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Real Estate Agent - Palm Properties - CA 00932893
Naples and Marco Island real estate information including developments, communities, neighborhoods, estates, ranches, land and investment properties with area photos.



There are times in your life that a person will come into it and motivate you through their actions, not their words... Here is a prime example of this from down under in Australia! Bondi Beach, home to some of the world's greatest surfers, became home to a new surfing phenomenon today when Towel...
Looking for a weekend "getaway"?  Lake Arrowhead is just a couple of hours away and is beautiful this time of year.  Thanks to Kat for providing us a "cool" list of things to do while there!  ~ SusanYour Lake Arrowhead Realtor would like to share some local Lake Arrowhead Informationwith you.  An...
Get your PJs out!  Chick-fil-A at the Sports Arena location in San Diego, CA is offering a FREE chicken biscuit if your wear your pajamas to the store this Friday, July 30th from 6:30 AM to 10:30 AM.  Last month they had everyone dressed up as cows for a free chicken meal!  Wonder what they have ...
If you are looking for a place where most of the locals go to "eat, meet and greet" then The Cottage is the place for you!  Weekday mornings the sidewalk cafe tables are full of business people making connections and working on deals.  This quaint turn-of-the century cottage restaurant not only h...
Looking for a great breakfast spot in La Jolla? Cody's is the place for you!  This quaint seaside cottage is located just down the hill from Prospect Street, on Girard with coastal views of La Jolla Cove.  Open only for breakfast and lunch daily, Cody's offers a fresh menu of delectable choices. ...
Need to have SDG&E check on your heating system?  Give them a call, it is a FREE service!  Thanks to William Johnson for providing this valuable information!  ~ SusanSan Diego Gas and Electric Provides a Free Home Heating System Check Up I am representing a young couple who are first time buyers....
San Diegans are hearing every day that there is a budget crisis and the City Council is working on a 1/2 cent increase in the sales tax.  With potholes, trash everywhere, city services cut, and overgrown roadsides, we KNOW there is a problem and the City Council and Mayor are struggling to get mo...
This summer for four weeks, the La Jolla Music Society will host its "SummerFest".  From their first SummerFest in 1986, the La Jolla Music Society has welcomed renowned musicians and ensembles to perform.  The nationally recognized chamber music festival will be performing concerts from August 6...
Attention Pet Owners!  If you are planning a move, here are some tips to help you and your pet have a "stress-free" move!  Thanks to Karin Smith for these pet-friendly tips!  ~ SusanMoving With Pets Moving to a new home can be stressful on your pets, but there are many things you can do to make t...
First, for those of you out of the area, "Floatopias" are floating parties that draw thousands to Mission Bay in San Diego, CA.  In order to get away from the ban on drinking alcohol on the beach, the creative minds of twenty- somethings created "Floatopias", where one could still drink alcohol b...