Whatever you do, don't look at this link. It has a list of banned books! Welcome to banned books week. This week was established in 1982 to show support for our First Amendment and the freedom to read. Banned Books Week shows the benefits of open access to information while at the same time, it d
Welcome to National Punctuation Day! Bet you didn't know that today was the 6th annual National Punctuation Day, did you? It was founded in 2004 by former newspaperman Jeff Rubin. This holiday is celebrated by schools and businesses worldwide. Only six years into this holiday, it is growing like
As fall officially begins, what better to celebrate than with ice cream? Today marks the birthday of the ice cream cone. It was believed the ice cream cone was around in the late 1800's but it wasn't until the 1904 St. Louis fair that it gained recognition and popularity. During the Fair a man na
09/03/09 As is always tradition in the Denver area, the Labor day weekend brings A Taste of Colorado. This is a very popular local food and entertainment festival. It is a great chance to experience the local food from some of the top Denver area restaurants. There will be many local crafters as
Another big date - 09/09/09- Here's to hoping that it is treating you well. The reports that came out today have had a very minor effect on the mortgage bonds. As of 1:00pm MST they are up 12bps. So, what came out? The 10 year Treasury Auction - It was given a "B" rating. Not bad. Yesterday's sho
Here is what's on tap for the mortgage world this week. Treasury auctions. We will have three Treasury auctions this week. The first auction that was held today, had a grade "A" showing. It was well received. this shows that there still is a market for the long term Treasury Debt. there will be a
A little update on the mortgage market on a Friday afternoon before the long weekend. The job loss report came out today a little less than expected. At-216k vs the -230k they were anticipating. The cost of oil is down just a bit. The DOW is going up today, this has caused the Mortgage backed sec
Are you ready for Football Season? I'm ready to see what my Broncos can do this year. Doesn't look too good yet - But time will tell. At least we have a great stadium to watch it from.
Today has been a very volatile day for the mortgage bonds. At one point they were down 60 bps from the daily high. We are now sitting at a level 16 bps up on the day. This means rates are a bit better than yesterday. So, what has caused this swing? There have been a few reports out today. The pen
Aurora CO Homes For Sale Wow. That was a lot of paperwork! But, you got through it. You signed everything, paid your down payment. Congratulations to you - THE NEW HOMEOWNER!!! YOU HAVE THE KEYS!!!! Now for the not so fun part, moving... If you choose to do the moving yourself, odds are you hav