The Main Line and Chester County Real Estate Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Realty ONE Group Advocates 484-237-2055 - PA License - AB067198
Some thoughts and ideas about Tredyffrin Easttown, Main Line and Chester County Real Estate that might help you when you buy or sell.
Before buying a house and beginning the search for a new home you need to consider how much house you can afford. This requires knowing your budget, a word that many of us dislike as it requires some work to create. But you also need to understand if you can afford that new house and that can dep...
There are times when you wish that time would not pass, and that everything would just keep carrying on as it is right now. Especially when one is busy, and making sales, taking listings. You get in "flow" and all is good.Then there are those times when you wish they would just fly past. The past...
Our October challenge hosted by Frank Worrell and Carol Williams is about the tech tools we are using and those we have even discarded.My first I want to share is one I knew of for a while but only recently started using extensively. That is RPR it has allowed me to reach out to potential clients...
Summer is over and so almost is the September challenge, hosted by myself and Patricia Feager, ABR,CRS,GRI,MRP. You can read the details here, the challenge this month was to write a post with JUST 53 words, then in 300 words or more tell how, or why you approached it in this way.Did you plan you...
With the current talk about interest rates dropping refinancing a mortgage can be a smart financial move, but the timing and circumstances need to be right. Here’s a breakdown of the best time to refinance, things to consider, and how your home equity impacts the process:Best Time to Refinance: L...
We have all heard about the lack of inventory for the past several years and seen with our own eyes the rising cost of houses in our areas. But specifically this past year I have noticed that builders new in-fill construction and large mansion style homes are nearly always being listed at $2 mill...
When you are buying a house you may encounter excitement and fear. The excitement moves you forward with hopes and dreams about your potential new home along the Main Line or in Chester County or one of the other surrounding counties, Delaware and Montgomery. Then you encounter the issues of low ...
I was listening to something today and one of the points made was this question. Are you afraid or excited? It seems the two are very similar in how your body reacts.When change comes into our lives we can be afraid or we can be excited. When we decide to adapt a new hobby we can be afraid we wil...
I recently met an interesting man who is a horse psychologist, who uses the expression "Be the BRIDGE not the BLOCK." I have been thinking about this expression for well over a week, pondering as Michael Jacobs might say. If you want to know more about him, his name is Kerry Thomas and he has a w...
Roy Kelley mentioned about the Dahlia Exhibition at Longwood Gardens this past weekend. Well, it was a beautiful day on Sunday, so we took the short drive and spent some time enjoying the gardens whilst we were discovering the location of the Dahlia exhibition. I always enjoy the Italian Water Ga...

Nick Vandekar, 610-203-4543

Selling the Main Line & Chester County
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Some thoughts and ideas about Tredyffrin Easttown, Main Line and Chester County Real Estate that might help you when you buy or sell.