I'm extremely pleased to announce that I filed all of the paperwork with the Dept of Licensing today for the very 1st accredited school that focuses specifically on Broker Price Opinions. Here is what you can expect: once approved through the state as an accredited school, I will put in another a...
Missing all the "hot" BPO's online? We will configure our Auto Accepter software to automatically check and accept more BPO, REO and Appraisal orders for you!Typical order-acceptance scheduling will automatically login to the your preferred BPO and/or REO providers and accept any/all orders that ...
When I was in the BPO business on a full-time basis. I was always curious as to why things slowed way down in the month of December each year. After three years of seeing this trend I began finding myself not getting all bent out of shape and found that I didn't have to continually worry about wh...
I know that the title of my blog may sound like I'm a big spoiled baby when it comes to doing a BPO by hand or what I call 'the old-fashioned way.' I know that I not the only one who also thinks this way! I am a BPO Automation expert and as such I've gotten completely spoiled when doing the data ...
Help Rate BPO Automation Group's Comprehensive List of BPO Companies Our new comprehensive list contains 175+ major REO industry BPO companies, along with agent ratings for ease of use, customer service, payscale, and other info important to BPO agents.
Event Details Are you a REO or BPO Agent? Are you missing and being beaten out of new BPO orders because you aren't fast enough? Perhaps, you are curious about how you can streamline your BPO and REO orders. Come to our FREE 2-hour seminar where we will show you how you can Complete BPOs 3x Faste...
November 18, 2009 As the Sales Manager of the BPO Automation Group I have been in contact with hundreds of agents across the nation, who are vitally concerned about their ability to get BPO orders successfully. There are now a multitude of agents who are making a partial and/or meaningful liv...
November 10, 2009 -- The Auto-Accepter 2.0 is the result of 6 months of intensive feedback from hundreds of active BPO agents, and combines an array of innovative new features with a series of breakthroughs in speed, stability, and resource utilization to take BPO order-acceptance to a whole new ...
Not everyone is as smart as you are to have had the wonderful insight and foresight that you possess; no matter what your background is, how long you've been in the real estate business, how many BPO's you do per day or how many REO listings you carry right now, you deserve a round of applause an...
Hi there everybody, My name is Nicole Ocean, co-owner of BPO Automation Group and President of Nicolesdreams eBooks. You may have heard all of the buzz recently about auto-accept software and BPO automation software that helps BPO and REO Agents automate the data entry side of their BPO orders a...