Nikesh Parekh's Real Estate Blog

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This blogpost was originally published on coffee is essential to a successful career.  Meeting someone for coffee or a meal is a great way to make new contacts or reconnect with friends, colleagues and connections.There are rules for a coffee meeting that are important to be aw...
Geekwire published an insightful article on the challenges of tethering to any online marketplace, as booking decline for homeowners while Expedia makes changes at HomeAway. Marketplaces like Zillow, Trulia, HomeAway, & AirBNB can be a real boon for small businesses, but can quickly changes the r...
Personally, I am looking at a couple of interesting technologies developed at the University of Washington that enable the monitoring of respiratory rate and heart rate of seniors passively using radiofrequencies.  Think Doppler radar but for people, not for the weather.Can this technology be use...
This blogpost originally appeared on Modelry.Great Freakonomics episode on joining a rock band and being a successful rockstar. Very similar to tech start-ups irononically.Zanes, “I think that the music business is best for those who have a capacity to weather a chain of disappointments. You know...
Surprisingly, yes!  Online dating and selling your house have many similarities. On my run this morning, I listened to my favorite podcast Freakonomics.  This week's episode is called "What You Don't Know About Online Dating," a replay of a 2014 episode.   Stephen Dubner interviews a Stanford Pro...
Great to see Spencer Rascoff  in the Bellevue office today!  Great all hands.  Very open and honest.  Appreciated by most if not all. Spencer Rascoff of Zillow is in our office today.  I asked him what his favorite blogging community is and ACTIVERAIN was of course his answer!    Kerrie La Guardi...
Bob Stewart, what a crazy ride it has been.   Thank you for sticking with me through the rough times in 2011 and all the changes and growth we have seen with ActiveRain, Market Leader and Trulia.  I could write a novel about how much I value your help and counsel through some of the darkest times...
Dear Rainers, As many of you have noticed, I have not been very active of ActiveRain since early 2013.   I say that with great pride actually.  Don't get me wrong - I love ActiveRain!   Since early 2013, Bob, Kerrie and Kris have been running and managing ActiveRain with help from key people in p...
The HeartBleed bug is one of the BIGGEST issues on the Internet.  Everyone that uses the Internet is affected.  Though Heartbleed is a HUGE HUGE problem, it is also a great opportunity to offfer service to your prospects and customers.   My suggestion: post a simple blog on Heartbleed and send an...
Most bloggers are seeing tremendous changes in traffic to their blog posts due to changes in the Google Algorithm, most recent being the Google Hummingbird update.  Here is a quick SEO analysis of three blog posts on ActiveRain and how traffic has varied dramatically based on the quality of the c...

Nikesh Parekh

Technology Entrepreneur, Executive, & Investor
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