I think this is important enough to post again For Comment.To Gift or Not To Gift. That is my Question. Please add your ideas or thoughts. Do you give your customer a closing gift? My company recommends that you send a small gift basket with your partial listing presentation to a customer the nig
To Gift or Not To Gift. That is my Question. Please add your ideas or thoughts. Do you give your customer a closing gift? My company recommends that you send a small gift basket with your partial listing presentation to a customer the night before you meet with them. It is a nice idea and sets yo
An open house that people wait in line to talk to you. Yes I said an open house where people wait in line to talk to you. here are my ideas. I am happy to share some advice with my fellow bloggers and would love for anyone with ideas to post them here. I believe in the power of blogging and in ne
Yes I said an open house where people wait in line to talk to you. here are my ideas. I am happy to share some advice with my fellow bloggers and would love for anyone with ideas to post them here. I believe in the power of blogging and in networking. Please post some ideas with me. Here are my i
Here are some suggestions I use in contract for a short sale. Please check with your managing broker and anyone else before using it. reference only.use the Abbreviation "LA" which means the date upon which Seller gives the Buyer notice that all lenders owning deed of trust against property have
Here is an idea for your office walls. Ask for local artisit to frame and hang some of their work. If they sell it they give 10% of sale to your offices charity. You get great art, community exposure and great art on the walls you don't have to buy and can change often. you could have an art exhi
Yes I said an open house where people wait in line to talk to you. here are my ideas. I am happy to share some advice with my fellow bloggers and would love for anyone with ideas to post them here. I believe in the power of blogging and in networking. Please post some ideas with me. Here are my i
39,359 members and 763 of us are not sleping. What are we thinking? I guess as for myself, sleeping is a hobby I don't have time for. LOL. All my kids are asleep the house is quiet the crickets are cherping the tempurature (which is about 200 degrees cooler than it was this afternoon). SHHHHH lis
At my 20 week ultra sound the doctor said "Everything we can see looks normal but go and see a specialist". The specialist said "Everything we can see looks normal BUTwe can' t see a left hand and forearm". I think I died a little that day. When I finally stopped throwing up I began going down a
I feel that the Realtor Experience should not resemble going to a Singles Bar.If you can picture sitting on a bar stool enjoying your time out alone or with friends and all of a sudden someone sends you a drink or approaches you. They want to know all about you. They pay attention to what you say