Kingston Closed Transactions Month of November Very little action in Kingston last month. Transactions closed much faster. The average selling price was down by only twelve percent, much better than the nation as a whole--but remember all real estate is local. Sellers priced their homes
Silverdale Closed Transactions Month of November Thirty-six percent fewer closings in Silverdale last month than there were last year during the same time period. Transactions closed much faster. The average selling price was down by thirteen percent. Sellers are pricing their homes much m
Closed Transactions Month of November Only eleven percent fewer closings last month than there were last year during the same time period. This is an improvement over October's figures. Transactions closed much faster. The average selling price was down by twenty-seven percent. Sellers
Closed Transactions Month of November Here are last month's statistics for North, Central, and South Tacoma. Seventy percent as many homes closed this month than during the same month last year. The average sale was up 10%. Sellers accepted about 10% less than the original listing price. Tac
Closed Transactions Month of October Forty-two percent fewer closings this October than last year. Transactions closed over five months faster but the average selling price is down by thirty percent. Inventory in Kingston is strong: 46 homes to choose from. It's still a buyer's market
Closed Transactions Month of October Twenty-five percent fewer closings this October than last year. Transactions closed faster but the average selling price down by twenty-three percent. Inventory in Silverdale is strong: 97 homes to choose from. It's still a buyer's market If you wou
Closed Transactions Month of October Seventy-two percent fewer closings this October than last year. Transactions closed much faster. The average selling price was up by twelve percent. Inventory in Poulsbo gives you plenty of choice. It's still a buyer's market If you would like det
Closed Transactions Month of October Forty-three percent fewer closings this October than last year. Transactions closed faster but the average selling price down by twenty-eight percent. Inventory on Bainbridge is still good. It's still a buyer's market If you would like details
Closed Transactions Month of October Here are the month's statistics for North, Central and South Tacoma. Forty-three percent as many homes closed this month than during the same month last year. The average sale dropped 1%. Sellers accepted about 9% less than the original listing price. Tacom
Closed Transactions Sept 22-30 Fewer than half the transactions during this period than last year. Transactions closed faster but the average selling price down by a third. Inventory on Bainbridge is still good. It's still a buyer's market If you would like details of the home that cl