I first saw this on Kathy Schowe's re-blog. This I am sure would be an AMAZING wall. So many people have been touched by the loss of a friend, loved one, coworker, neighbor, colleague in another office, or someone in the same industry. As a result of the "entire" war on terrorism we have lost m...
The seasons are changing & South Florida has not only "Localism", or local spots, of value to the full time residents, but of benefit to part-time residents, & visitors as well. These are visitors reading, that are possibly considering making Florida their home, or at the minimal, wish to take ...
You have some major league baseball games tomorrow night & football season warming up. There is no better sports bar to hang out in Kendall than Keg South. They have wonderful wings & burgers & just a very relaxed & friendly atmosphere. You can see just about any event that is scheduled to be ...
This event happens to be for a very worthy cause & is GREAT for our environment!! This will be a fantastic turnout!! Come see new artwork by 'ChrisAlex' and other artists. All creations are made from recycled/scrap materials. Artwork is for sale with a portion donated to Trash2Treasure Cre...
I have been trying to catch up with visiting subscribed blogs today, after a busy work weekend & found that John Hrisco is worthy of a Congratulations :)!! John shares some wonderful advice for many, that may be considering taking their RE Exams or Broker Exams, & some valuable resources as well....
I just have had the pleasure of finishing work with a man after a long 15 hour day. During our day together, I discovered he had just returned from an illness, & it was his first day back! He is a young very healthy man. Very slender, & it was difficult to guess what his age may have been, bec...
In tribute to a writing by Rebekah Radice, I would like to re-blog "her" post!! Thank you so much Rebekah. What she has written is so true. I have changed streams at some very monumental times in life. One time the phone rang 1000 miles away & I was on a plane the very next day... Twenty yea...
Kathy Streib of Room Service! Home Staging, a fellow member of Active Rain Real Estate Network, has brought to our attention a call to action by COBWRA to try to keep their Green Cay Wetlands Center "open". She needs fellow surrounding residents & caring citizens & activist...
Well, It is one of my favorite times of year, when I make my way to the Miami Beach Convention Center for the Home & Remodeling Show that comes twice a year. (Spring / Fall). This show is always a treat as it is chock full of exhibitors! There is everything from your beautiful Salt Water Aquar...
I have ran across more & more people that are using re-purposed goods at all levels. Economic Times Are Reasons For Economic Measures ~ A New Trend! Plus it is "excellent" for our environment!! :) I just had a co-worker tell me that she shops at these specific stores, because she would rather ...