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Industry Observer - Responsive Pest Control
The good, the bad and the ugly of the pest world
Good afternoon all: I hope you're well. I just finished reading a great featured blog by Brenda Mullen. Re-blogged by 0 agents Keep Your Wine, Just Close on Time...That's All I am Asking In Brenda's post, she talks about how lenders are all offering great lunches, etc. to woo a realtor's business...
Hello all: I hope you're well and gearing up for the Thanksgiving Holiday! I recently blogged about QM or the Qualified Mortgage. For those of you who may not be aware, January 10, 2014 is the date of the new interpretation of the Qualified Mortgage as written in the Dodd-Frank bill of 2010. Qual...
Good morning! I hope you're all well. In  56 calendar days, the new QM or Qualified Mortgage rules will take effect. Let me explain. In 2010, the Dodd-Frank bill was passed by Congress. In the bill it specified how mortgage loan officers were to be paid among other things. Fast forward to January...
This is a great post by my fellow Active Rainer Joe Petrowsky. It's true. One of the biggest misconception is more than one mortgage credit pull will drag your score down. Enjoy the read! “I Don’t Want You to Pull MY Credit as it will Drop My Credit Scores”   From time to time I will get a call f...
Good morning! I hope you're gearing up for a great weekend! I recently have been shopped quite  a bit regarding mortgage rates. I understand this is a customer's (or in my case member's) right and don't discourage this. But I want to bring some caveats into the equation because a lot of the stuff...
It's time for another ActiveRain Contest! For the month of September, we'd like you to share how you have grown your business. What's worked and failed?  Please be forthright, after all, we're a community here. Personally,  I just finished reading "The Seven Levels of Communication" written by a ...
Hi all: I hope you're well. We have had an unbelievably beautiful summer. Hope you have too. It's a new day with a new home! After hanging my license at The Legacy Group for the last 4 1/2 years, I am now with Alaska USA Federal Credit Union. I promise I won't linger here long with a shameless se...
This is a great post by my fellow AR colleague Ed Silva. It's true. We are well aware of the fact we're working for you. Hopefully you as our client are also aware of how hard we're working for you. This is especially true these days if you're applying for a mortage. Enjoy the read!Remember That ...
Hi all: it's a beautiful day here in the Pacific Northwest. I hope your day is off to a great start! I wanted to touch on buying a home if you've had misfortune. I'm not sure what the numbers are but there have been literally millions of foreclosures over the last several years. If that happened ...
Hi all: I hope you're well. We are blessed with beautiful weather and it appears it's going to stick around for a while. I wanted to touch on the loan front today and what it takes to get a loan todayin Bellevue, WA.-July 2, 2013! Although getting a loan today isn't easy, it can be done. It all s...

Paul McFadden

Pest Control, Seattle, WA.
smartphone(206) 799-9062
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