Five years ago, if you had read about a tablet computer, you'd most likely have thought someone spelled table wrong (at the very least it was likely you'd have had no idea what they meant). But on April 3rd, 2010 Apple unleashed the iPad on the world and the way we think about computers has forev...
If you've been in business for any amount of time, you've probably decided at some point to give online leads a shot. Hopefully it was a thought out process where you investigated the company you were about to give a shot to help turn your hard earned money into more hard earned money. Converting...
ActiveRain was originally a contact management and lead follow up system for our real estate company. Prior to launching the ActiveRain you know and love today, we had a real estate company that primarily operated out of the state of Washington. Our real estate company generated a lot of leads. A...
Doubtful! In this business there are lots of ways to skin the proverbial cat (don't worry animal lovers, no animals were hurt in the use of this saying). I have no doubt there are agents out there who do not have a website that still do a fine bit of business. For any potential problem you are tr...
I have said it before and I continue to believe it. The single most important piece that determines your ability to generate leads online is your IDX website.  Over the years I have seen some of the best websites money can buy and I have seen some of the worst websites imaginable. I've written a ...
It's not uncommon in the real estate industry to see a number of acronyms following an agent's name on their business card, email signature or profile pages across the internet.  You work hard earning the designations that the industry has created to help you become a better agent. CRS, GRI, ABR,...
What Services Do You Use? Any time you sell a house or you help someone buy a house there are a number of services that you ultimately use. Some of you are using services to enhance your business every single day. With an industry as fragmented and vast as the real estate industry, there are no s...
    Sales & Marketing If you've been in the business for any amount of time, there's no doubt you've tried many different ways to market your business. Some of these endeavors have paid off with great brand recognition and really fantastic results while others have fallen short of the expectation...
  Transaction Management One thing the real estate industry has no shortage of is paperwork. If you're committed to going paperless or just feel the need to streamline your work flow, check out the latest and greatest real estate transaction management programs. Debbie Reynolds and Debbie Laity u...
    Personal Branding/ Self Promotion To consumers, we're all one big jumble of people that pretty much all do the same thing. So how do you stand out to consumers? Create a personal brand.  Looking to create a personal brand? Companies like Agent Makeover and By Design Publishing specialize in b...

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