Here are 5 reasons why buying a home in Barrie Ontario makes sense With all the views on where real estate is heading and the direction seems to be all over the map (it's up.... it's down....its flat...), I thought I would get back to basics and point out five things about buying property (inve...
Well it's been year in the making but it's finally here. The official web site is up and running ( still in test mode till Jan 2009 - with lots of content still to be added) My company ( has grown to the point where we need to expand our network. That is wh...
Taxes and Canadian Real Estate We are told many times when we discuss real estate at our seminars to "dumb things down". We naturally assume that everyone knows all about how real estate can be used to reduce taxes, capital gains issues, and all that other fun stuff. This article will attempt to...
I know upon writing this many stock market gurus will bash real estate as they always have. And in light of the current market conditions, I thought it would be a good time to explain why real estate is a better investment then the Stock Market. Real Estate vs. the Stock Market- A Primer on the D...
Profit in Real Estate Investing in a Down Market With the all the bad news in the media ( and yes if you read my blog you know what I think of the media reports on real estate), I thought it would be a good time to discuss the real estate investing technique/strategy that works in up markets as w...
Canadian Economy still showing signs of growth The Canadian Economy has seen surprises in the past few months. And I don't mean the bad kind. Sure the rest of the world is experiencing contraction and even recessionary indicators, but Canada has surprisingly shown resilience to the downward trend...
CREA makes it clear recent numbers are skewed The Canadian Real Estate Associations recent report on home prices admits that they may be misleading. As discussed before many times right here, National statistics mean very little to those who want to invest. They make great headlines but have litt...
Todays Chicago Defender had an excellent article on the basics of investing in real estate Its is cautionary in tone but lays out simple and basic rules for investing in todays market. I think given the nature of the markets right now, we can say that cautionary is a good start, especially for so...
These Questions will help clarify your first steps to investing. What a time to be in real estate! Some areas up, some areas down. What is an investor supposed to do?. Yes I know many agents will say its tough out there but I am a "cup half full kinda guy" and I see nothing but opportunity out th...
How To Know When you are at the Bottom of a Real Estate Cycle...When to Start to Buy Again!! Whether its stocks or real estate, we all heard that the time to buy is at the bottom of the market. In real estate that would be the bottom of any current "real estate cycle". And let me say that differ...