Being in the trenches day in and day out, fighting alongside Southern Oregon homeowners who have encountered financial difficulties, every once in a while I have to look up and survey the territory we are battling in. Reach out to the other troops and compare experiences. Strategize and determine
Eleanor Thorne posted some great details about USDA and FHA loans very pertinent to market conditions here in Southern Oregon. It is a great outline for buyers considering re-entering the real estate market after they have experienced a "trigger event" outside their control. With forecasts of dou
What would happen do you think if homeowners who have encountered financial difficulties that they are unable to resolve with their bank and its investors did their own Property Disclosure Statement and notified their bank/investors, surrounding neighbors, banks’ listing agents and State Real Est
Obviously, this message is close to my heart. I see the people affected by this crisis every day, and not just at my job. I see them at the grocery store, in church, at the park...their kids go to school with mine. Who doesn't know a homeowner that has been affected by the economy and foreclosure
Oregon was one of the states awarded money to help its communitites suffering from high foreclosure and unemployment rates. One of the programs Oregon designed was to help eligible families pay their mortgage payments - up to $20,000 or 12 months, whichever is less. Jackson County Oregon was give
Linda makes some valid points about dealing with lenders on 2nd mortgages when a homeowner is facing financial hardship. Her typical sequence of events is unfortunately VERY typical, not only on requesting short sale approval on a 2nd mortgage but on most requests for financial hardship assistanc
Larry makes some great points here that I sincerely hope buyers choose to follow. There are reasons why Contractors, Realtors, Loan Officers - DOCTORS - are licensed... some really GOOD reasons. For whatever reason, with the overhaul of many issues that needed addressing in the mortgage/housing