Tonight this question came up at a large mixer in Scottsdale. "When should you stage a home in Phoenix?" A mortgage broker told me that it wasn't worth staging a house unless it was at least $400,000. Another broker said $1,000,000. I talked with several realtors, and got some interesting arg
There are fitness centers, and there are fitness centers,...however the Chandler Rec Center is no wreck!!. When I decided to enter the home staging arena, one thing I realized was I need to keep up my strength, so by accident I discovered the Chandler Rec Center, in Chandler. It's real name i
Realtors have probably all heard the compelling reasons to stage a home in Phoenix. -- And home stagers have all heard the objections against it. It all boils down to "dollars and cents". In reality, it should boil down to "dollars and common sense"! What IS the real cost of not staging a hou