Conroe Homes and Land for Sale in Colorado

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Real Estate Agent - Janisch & Co. - 0396361
Information for folks interested in Durango, Bayfield, Mancos, Hesperus, Ignacio and Vallecito. Everything is here from areas to live to places to eat to entertainment and shopping, we've got it all plus the experience to help you.
Working is important.  We are all supposed to participate in a profession or two.  When we work hard we not only feel more fulfilled, but we are able to live more comfortably.Work like everything else can be taken to extremesOne of our sons brought our grandson for a visit this week.  We had a gr...
Unfortunately, all of us encounter things that make us feel good.  Things that we just cannot get enough of are always out there to tempt us..  They frequently become addictions.We have become more and more addicted to having a light yogurt treat several times a week.  We use that instead of the ...
Since my initial career launch in 1978, I have attended at least four New Member orientations.Yesterday was another.  It started at 8:30 and concluded at 1:30.  We were given a large package of information when we arrived.  We were shown a couple of films and listened to a whole lot of rules and ...
Another required class with the potential to be very boring.Today's offering was not.The hours went quickly and the instructor was downright entertaining! Lots of practical experiences and  some amusing ante dotes  illustrated the points covered in an energetic format.We were given a book with al...
It is a beautiful Thursday evening in Durango.  Cool clean breeze , sky clouding up for the nightly showers and a rather large duck walking down Main Street.  Only in Durango!As we had walked along toward our evening tea spot we had passed a group of young people who invited us to sponsor a rubb...
Seems to me that I recall a couple of our regular members and contributors are Wordpress setup experts or designers.  Does anyone know who they are or who would you recommend for a little tweeking of our Website/blog???  I need to  up date and spiff up ours since we are really getting back to wor...
  Some birds are just more personable than others.  This one gets cool points for its determination.   We are fairly sure that it is a swallow.  It had taken this open window as its view for the day and had no intention of moving.   Ralph had stuck up a casual conversation with the bird while I ...
    There are many forms of transportation available in Durango.   Some traditional ways to get from here to there include bikes, motorcycles, cars,trolley lines, buses, even rafts and canoes.   Less traditional and available usually on weekends are horse drawn carriages.   These are found outsi...
  Almost all of us have scars.  Some are usable. And some are hidden deep inside.   The tree in the photo is an example of visible scars.   The question is, what caused them.  Why would anyone deliberately hurt a tree?  These scars go deep.  The tree has been in its prominent location for many y...
Many choose to celebrate with food, family and friends.     We need to stop and think about the service men and women who are actively risking their lives on many fronts.  They maybe with friends but it is doubtful that they are enjoying good food, and most are many miles from home and family.   ...

Ralph Janisch ABR CRS Broker

Selling Northwest Houston to good people like you!
smartphone(970) 759-0027
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Author Bio: Ralph and Jeanne are long time Real Estate BROKERS dedicated to helping good folks buy homes and land in Durango Colorado and the Surrounding area.

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