My forgetting is almost down to non-existent. That's right! I am able to remember all things and get them done no problem thanks to the tools available today in the tech world. No longer do I reach, search and seek out paper and pen. NO. I now lift my smart phone to my lips and dictate my wants &
How do you know something? Anything? It has been said and proven that time reveals all things. This is no myth! During any time period, learning to ask questions and appreciate answers helps us further to pursue satisfaction until you get it. Seeking, inquiring and testing of any circumstance wil
I had to tell someone to shut-up the other day. It is not my choice of words nor do I even have it in my Psyche to use. If there ever was a time to do so however, it visited with me and and the one needing to hear it the other day. Why should they stop? Knock it off? Cease & desist? For their sak
I had an acquaintance come up to me and say they wanted to get my feedback on a Real Estate inquiry. I said fire away and then they told me this experience. This man called up on a home for sale from a sign posted and got an agent right away...a good thing! Right after this man said how much, he
I asked a question in the Q & A section in regards to Errors and Omissions insurance ( E & O) and it got a fair response from my peers. You know when we all get together and discuss anything, it has to reveal itself case in point. What I gather from all the comments is a couple of interesting thi
Oh how we all can benefit from this process. Saying what you mean first time one time out. In only the necessary words required, making the point of the of the purpose of the statement leaves the rest of the moment to go to work and produce its own dynamics. Pausing does that too. Letting someone
In California Real Estate, litigation is allowed up to four years after the close of escrow. How did that come into being I wonder? Remember, behind every rule, law, regulation and small print in contracts is a history of people contesting and not resting using the courts to resolve issues. Thus
I understand the money aspects of everything. It is wise to point out what money can or cannot buy. If purchasing something of value, then you want your monies doubt about that. Real Estate agents fall into the category of necessity not an expense in that order. A seasoned agent pays f
You see this every once in a while and you hear it too. Someone is pitching, selling, telling or sharing and they make a negative comment about a person, product or place in trying to get their positive point made in their own favor. One goes down so one can come up. However, anyone that steps on
07/27/2015 good to me. MONDAY was all I hoped it would beeeee. You see if you are here, up and at em, then rejoice because life is that simple and you keep score by the moment. Not the gain, the losses or the dreams in your head but the actual moment to moment that you are in