Everyone in a while, I like to come out and risk a little. However, these days, I do it for fun mostly. But, there was a time I did it because you think you can do anything and that thinking is right but not accurate. You see, everything has a learning curve to it and no matter who you are, that
When you don't have money, the idea of having it gets you going to go get it. MONEY. You want it and it wants you to want it too and that produces a drive to go and get it. Now, where to go, how to go and when to go are all good subjects to consider in finding the money source. One thing we know,
These three mentions are a very big part of every human beings life journey from beginning to end. All of these have their basis in time or are time related. By contrast, if there was no need for contrast, then no need for yesterday or tomorrow as today would be forever in place as our default ex
Point of view. The ability to see things from all sides, from a different perspective and even explore it makes point of view not appreciated or used enough. Often, another will point (their view) which we take for a chance to argue but also miss a chance to adventure. We don't always have to res
ME! I am in it for you. I am here for you to help you accomplish your goal, task, move, leap or progress. I stand ready, willing and able to follow your direction and help you accomplish your vision or complete a need. You see as a consumer, we are always looking for what is in it for me wherever
In Real Estate, there is a general mode and understanding that everyone can relate to and a specific one where the interaction is spelled out and carried out along a time-line. It doesn't matter if you are buying, selling, renting or investing, Real Estate is a time driven transaction and it come
I have gotten some very good results with this idea and that I want to share it. One of things that makes it stand out is the ease of it and how simple it is yet powerful at the same time. When discussing with a potential client for listing a home, I ask them for help on the following (it's comin
Who knew that life could be and is... so simple. It only requires that you live it (correctly) while using it. It is when we overly "want" and then go out & about the getting and fulfilling of those "wants" that complications set in. It's how you go about it all. It is not what you have, but how
Insects have a right to be here just like we do. I am sure you will agree with me when I say that as long as they stay OUTSIDE, they are free to roam to their hearts content and enjoy their brief stay here. Again, stay out of my house, bedroom, kitchen, garage and bathroom or you will leave befor
For those that can afford an assistant, or who have one, they now can be instructed to join every single social media site, blogging platform and to comment often and consistently. They would have every app, and visit with the probable places that would bring in more business. Yes, this would be