Buyers are Back in Central Florida - Activity has increased and buyers are finding great deals. Visit today and find your dream home before someone else does! IT'S ONLY A BUYERS MARKET IF YOU BUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NO MORE SNOW - buy a Home in Central Florida . . . Buying a new home is a source of anxiety, frustration -- and a huge sense of accomplishment. You didn't pick the house that was best for someone else, you picked the one that's right for you! Trust me to help you find the Home and Mortgage loan
Orlando Condo's are HOT . . . If you are looking for a great investment property, think about a downtown condo. Visit today to start your search.
Still time to buy a Condo, Home or Townhome CHEAP. . . What are you waiting for? The bargains are still available . . Homes under $100,000 all around Central Florida. . . Great as an investment or retirement home? First home or just something new?
Condo's still available under $50,000 in the Orlando Area - Amazing bargains are still available - with thousands of baby boomers turning 65 every day starting next year, these bargains won't be around for long. Buy now while they are still available. Florida Wholesale Realty
It's HOT in FLORIDA! Temperature and Housing! Amazing that it's in the high 70's to low 80' this week. I love it warm during the day but i'm looking forward to it being 50' or less at night. . . If you are looking for a home, condo or townhome - there are some really hot areas including Down
Time to Vote!!!! They open at 7am . . .
Are you going to Vote Tomorrow? I am amazed how many people I know that will not vote tomorrow!
Plan to Vote Early Tuesday morning . . . or STOP COMPLAINING !!! All of us know that if we plan on voting later in the day Tuesday that an emergency will come up or a client will want to see a home. Hopefully the 2nd option! So plan on going first thing and earn your right to complain. . . It's a
Another 90' day in Central Florida. . . Amazing how hot it is. I always hated the cold and snow when living in Massachusetts but this heat is a record high for this time of year! Bit it's going to cool down in the next day or two. Hopefully low 80' during the day and I really hope it will be in