Paul's Scottsdale AZ Real Estate Chronicles

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Look no further than Paul Slaybaugh with Realty Executives for Scottsdale AZ Real Estate! Whether it is local information, Scottsdale Real Estate news, anecdotes, humor, or just a good read you are after, you'll find at least some of that here. See Scottsdale through the eyes of a native son!
Welcome to a new consumer based series.  Every day, my fellow agents and I trawl through the murky depths of our respective Multiple Listing Services to unearth the very best values for our clients.  In this pursuit, I frequently encounter the winning combination of property and price that makes ...
  I wrote an article a couple of months ago which detailed the rise in vandalism & theft across the greater Phoenix and Scottsdale area.  As the number of vacant homes have risen steeply along with the spike of foreclosures and total listings, so too have the targets for the scavengers in our mid...
What a glorious morning.  Now that the mercury in local thermostats has finally receeded from triple digits, Scottsdale residents are free to brave the outdoors again.  No longer confined to air conditioned environs, we see neighbors for the first time in months.  We've lived in our pools since M...
  Beautiful house.  A few drywall patches will cover the holes where the surround sound speakers were yanked out of the wall.  The sprinkler system is ready to go into the ground out back.  That dirt will green up in no time.  What’s that smell?  Oh, the water’s off.  Someone must not have realiz...
  I just watched the 11,394th political commercial of the week.  I am convinced that Jon Shadegg is a degenerate pervert who can’t be trusted to operate a 10-speed, with or without training wheels, let alone provide the voice of the Sonoran Desert as a US Representative. Oh wait, the 11,395th com...
It's shakeup time for one major Valley newspaper.  The East Valley Tribune is blaming the current economic downturn and stagnant Real Estate market for a recent decline in readership.  According to an article on, the Trib is cutting 142 positions and pulling out of Scottsdale and Te...
  Continuing the Unique Architecture in Scottsdale series, this edition focuses on the mid-century modern designs of famed local architect Ralph Haver.  If you enjoyed the style of the Frank Lloyd Wright inspired homes of Mountain View East in McCormick Ranch, but are operating with a lesser budg...
Will they or won’t they?  As the eyes of the nation remain riveted to the halls of Congress in anticipation, or dread, depending on perspective, of a financial rescue bill, the seven billion dollar question for you on the ultra microeconomic level is where to put your money.  Should you roll the ...
This is by far the most entertaining election cycle I have ever seen.  If not for the economic quagmire and two grueling wars in which we are embroiled, I would be endlessly amused.  Who am I kidding?  I am amused nonetheless. We now take you semi-live to the action. In the blue corner, weighing ...
  It is no secret that Scottsdale, Arizona is one of the most coveted winter destinations in the United States.  Every year, from November to April, the self-proclaimed West’s Most Western Town greets visitors from all parts of the world.  Midwesterners and Canadians are usual suspects, and the c...

Paul Slaybaugh

Scottsdale, AZ Real Estate
local_phone(480) 948-9450
smartphone(480) 220-2337
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See Scottsdale through the eyes of a native son!

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