Paul's Scottsdale AZ Real Estate Chronicles

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Look no further than Paul Slaybaugh with Realty Executives for Scottsdale AZ Real Estate! Whether it is local information, Scottsdale Real Estate news, anecdotes, humor, or just a good read you are after, you'll find at least some of that here. See Scottsdale through the eyes of a native son!
In many respects, the heralded Real Estate bargains to be had in Scottsdale and the greater Phoenix area should come with the disclosures that attend weight-loss product testimonials.   “Joe Homebuyer’s results not typical.” “Always consult a physician before launching an intensive home search pr...
Classic risk aversion for the liability-phobic mandates that an agent make no actual referral to an auxiliary service provider in the course of a Real Estate transaction.  Need a lender?  Here are the names of three professionals.  Need a home inspector?  Sift through this stack of business cards...
What is it about the rain that brings the mischievous out to play?  Real Estate sales is the type of racket that leads one to bump bellies with all manner of folk.  Over my years in the industry to date, you might say I’ve been sheltered.  For all of the horror stories that float about a brokerag...
It’s a daunting task.  Settled in around the bargaining table, you see nothing but pros, chips stacked to the ceiling.  Looking down at your comparatively meager stack, you’re tired of getting bullied out of hands.  Offer after offer you submit, only to fold under the check-raises from predators ...
Investor.  The word alone inspires a host of reactions that run the full gamut between antipathy and, well, slightly lesser antipathy, depending on the audience.  Image From the Hubbel Telescope of Investors Invading Local Real Estate Market   As any semi-interested news watcher and industry blog...
We are all busy. Whether the responsibilities that overwhelm us are professional, personal or, most commonly, a combination of the two, who hasn’t lamented the lack of a clone for accomplishing the myriad tasks that 21st century living heaps upon us?  There are certainly days when I’d give my ey...
You have something to say, some timely tidbit to impart, but don’t relish the specter of an ensuing dialogue.  You’re not interested in the entanglements of conversation, what with the awkward pauses, opinions other than your own and … gulp … small talk.    Too much commitment.  What you want is ...
Boxing great "Hurricane" Peter McNeeley once famously warned a recently de-incarcerated Iron Mike Tyson that he was going to “wrap him in a cocoon of horror” during the course of their upcoming bout.  McNeeley, renowned knockout victim to a bonafide who’s who list of professional pugilists (as in...
Ah yes, the Internet: where a nobody can become somebody, and a somebody can become somebody else.  Step right up, folks, leave your identity at the door and please help yourselves to the screen name of your choice.  WORLDSGREATESTREALTOR is already taken, but there are countless others to peruse...
  “Owner recently obtained property and is working towards gaining clear title.” Is it any surprise that this seemingly innocuous little bit of verbiage, which has started creeping into private Realtor remarks, seldom appears in the public description of a property listing?  Flipping properties i...

Paul Slaybaugh

Scottsdale, AZ Real Estate
local_phone(480) 948-9450
smartphone(480) 220-2337
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See Scottsdale through the eyes of a native son!

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