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The RealMan blog is about Minot ND. The RealMan blog is North Dakota's longest running and most read blog about Minot ND.



Build It And They Will Come. Build It And They Will Come. OK, I didn't build it but Construct it and they will come or put it together and they will come just doesn't have the same ring to it. One of those thing I bought at a rummage sale years ago and never put to use (until this year) was a pol...
What About Yard Signs??? The Minot community has no restrictions on yard signs. Some Home Owners Associations do have limits on signs. Those limits range from NO signs to signs for only the first two weeks of the listing. I do not believe there is a size restriction as I have even seen 4' X 8' Fo...
CONTINGENT! Contingent! As well informed as today's First Time Home Buyer is I still seem to be asked on a daily basis, "What does Contingent mean" or Contingent - HI or Contingent - HS. What does it mean when a home is marked Contingent on the MLS or on any Real Estate web site that allows for t...
What Zone Am I In and Does It Really Matter? What Zone Am I In and Does It Really Matter? Yes! it matters. As a potential Home Owner or a builder of any kind it is important to know what zone you are in. As a Home Buyer it's nice to know if the serene little street you looking at could soon be a ...
Sorry, Family 1st! It's taken me 5 years to figure it out but I have finally figured out how to turn my phone off. No I don't have a smart phone that is so full of gadgets that I couldn't find the power button. I just found the power to say enough is enough. At times I felt guilty because I've sa...
The Mouse is Runnuing Wild, Minot ND is in DANGER! In 1969 much of Minot ND was under water thanks to The Mouse River running amok through the City. I wasn't here but I've seen the pictures and it wasn't good. I believe the house I am living in now was mostly under water. In 1971 the City spent m...
That FRACKING sand! That fracking sand is yet another item from my trip to the rail yard. If you are not familiar with the controversial practice of hydraulic fracturing in oil extraction you would most likely guess that I was using a new word to skip by an old profanity. Fracking is slang in the...
It's Saint Ann's Bridge or Ann's Bridge or Ann Street Bridge ... maybe. Yesterday I posted about an old pedestrian bridge in the heart of Minot ND. I thought it made a good photography subject. Then I thought I'd do a little Google research on it and  found nothing at all. Today I called the Rail...
Minot's Old Walking Bridge I have lived in Minot for over 8 years now and it was not until earlier this spring that I decided to actually set foot on the big old walking bridge that crosses the Burlington Northern rail yard tracks in the center of Minot North Dakota. For eight years I had driven ...
A New Affordable Listing In Minot ND It's refreshing to find a new listing in Minot North Dakota that is under $150,000 and is not a "Fixer-Upper". Minot ND is in the 3rd year of a sever housing shortage. Minot is a City of 40,000 people with the next largest City being over 100 miles away. The h...

Bob "RealMan" Timm

Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
local_phone(701) 720-8513
smartphone(701) 720-8513
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