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The RealMan blog is about Minot ND. The RealMan blog is North Dakota's longest running and most read blog about Minot ND.



 To the non-Christian or casual Christian the next big Christian Holiday is Christmas … but is it really? No, there are many days that Christians celebrate prior to Christmas. These days have not been declared as holidays by the government or Hallmark but they are important to the church. The nex...
Wondering where all those weeds came from?As a new first time home owner you are thinking about your new lawn. You are dreaming of a nice lush green lawn. As the snow melts you are starting to see weeds popping up. Where are they coming from? Well, do you own a bird feeder. A lot of people overlo...
James Noehl was my stepfather and friend. James wasn't always the easiest man to get along with, he was a lot like me. We shared a lot of the same interests and philosophies on life. He was kind to me and my children and I learned quite a bit from him.James was a North Dakotian who had purchased ...
Day one of the KHRT Share-A-ThonTwice a year I look forward to manning the phone for the Christian Radio station in Minot ND. I always contribute both my time and money during Share-A-Thon. This morning I gave personally and I always give in the Business name as well.I also challenge other Broker...
I left two blog posts hanging from last week, here are the results:Drone done?NOPE! A good friend with a "Cherry Picker" type of truck came to the rescue and retreived the drone with no damage. I would love to thank that friend publicly but I'm not sure he was authorized to use the truck for dron...
The Same Fate As Charlie Brown's Kite? Is "Pilot Bob" forever grounded... or is that Treed?Will this be the final flight of Bob's drone? It's looking pretty grim for this poor abused aircraft. In its short life it's had extremities broken off and glued back on (3 times) as well as many other part...
Check out this open house banner.Once in awhile the old dog gets lucky! Lately on Saturday when they print the open houses there have been 50 to 80 open houses. The standard format for the open house page is two columns for the width of the paper.I wasn't about to have an open house on Easter Sun...
I, Bob Timm, Wish You A Blessed Easter This is the sanctuary of Our Saviors Lutheran Church where I attend worship and how it look(s) this morning. We had 4 services this morning and an all morning egg-bake breakfast. It was great!I truly wanted to post a blog this morning of what Easter means to...
Housing Sales Are Picking Up In Minot Be sure to note the line above as this is a very restrictive report. There were 10 homes sold in this limited catagory. The most expensive home sold for $415,000 and it was on the market for 202 days. The least expensive home sold for $75,000 and it was on th...
Time to Re-Think Mall PhotosFor some parents of young children this Easter Bunny was their worst nightmare. While no misappropriate conduct was reported it was discovered that this Bunny was a REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER. A registered sex offender who was wanted on an outstanding warrent was busted a...

Bob "RealMan" Timm

Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
local_phone(701) 720-8513
smartphone(701) 720-8513
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