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The RealMan blog is about Minot ND. The RealMan blog is North Dakota's longest running and most read blog about Minot ND.
I am sure we all have examples of others being selfless to us whether it be someone letting us go in line before them of someone helping us during a tragic time in our life.In 2011 when a third of Minot was wiped out by a flood I could not count all the selfless deeds done for my family and many,...
My mother always taught me that profanity is a sign of a simple (uneducated) mind. For the most part I have found that true but I confess there have been times where I've let go of a profane tirade when I've been very upset. Many of those times I wish I could take it back.  Yet there have been ti...
It's already that time of year up here in North Dakota. It won't be long and we will be coming home in the dark as well. One more thing about late Fall in ND... Blizzards. Just so happens that we got our first one last night.Something that comes with our first snowfall and especially or first bli...
Being disorientated can be a disaster. No matter where you are, being disorientated can also be a very scary. Behind the wheel, out in public, or even at home when you have to ask yourself "where am I?" there is real danger involved.I am sure all of us have had a moment of disorientation. As a se...
I think every new Real Estate agent can relate to Timmothy's comic strip today. How many times did we get ahead of our selves... way ahead of our selves? Another thought that came to mind was looking for an illustration of someone with their head up their behinds.Regretfully what we really should...
We ran to Fargo on Friday to pick up a car I loaned Tina and then we hit some Art Galleries & Museums on Saturday and headed back to Minot on Sunday. There were a few points worthy of mentioning. The hotel/motel we stayed at was a half a notch better than the Bates motel. I was surprised as I tho...
I have no idea where this comic strip came from. Timmothy has long beautiful hair but as far as I know no one ever messes it up on him. I on the other hand have almost no hair yet it's messed up all the time. The cartoon reminded me of the woman's style of "ratting" in the 60's. My favorite was a...
Next in line to kisses is smiles. We may not want to kiss everybody we see but we would love to see a smile on everyone we see. I admit that I do not roll out of bed with this smile... but I am working on it 😊.Fortunately for me Carol and Timmothy always seem to wake with a smile and loving greet...
Sometimes when you feel like taking a nap the best thing you can do is take a nap. However when there are important things to be done you need to focus on that and get your head in the game (task at hand).I do not believe there is any one thing that would work for everybody but I'm sure most of u...
I am planning a trip to Fargo soon and I was surprised at how little community information is available on the City website or Chamber of Commerce website.I was raised in Fargo's sister city, Moorhead MN however that was forty years ago and things have changed a lot over the years. Most disappoin...

Bob "RealMan" Timm

Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
local_phone(701) 720-8513
smartphone(701) 720-8513
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