RESPA is an acronym used in the field of Real Estate and Lending meaning Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act. Formed by Congress in 1974, RESPA in meant to curb abusive practices that proved to be costly to home-buyers and to increase the understanding of the settlement processes and cost assoc
This past week I attended my favorite yearly seminar "Real Trends". I look forward to it because it is a statistically driven information session that does not bend the truth to make things look a certain way. The reason I phrase it this way is because being a Realtor, I am inundated with magaz
Over the past few months you have probably heard all the talk on the news programs about the lending/credit situation and if you are currently working with a REALTOR they have probably told you things will get better shortly. Last week with news of the federal government swallowing Freddie and F
Many people have heard the term/phrase "appreciation rate" associated with Real Real Estate. It can be deceiving it you just read one article or tidbit on what the "current" appreciation rate is because.....since all Real Estate is local, the appreciation rates vary from city to c
I have touched on the topic of feedback before, but wanted to elaborate on why it's important and what happens when not given. In the Raleigh market, we have a service that schedules showings with home sellers and a few hours after the showing, the showing agent gets an automated email to provid
Yes. That is the short answer, but with the media covering the Real Estate Market across the country and leaving scattered information as a blanket summation I have to clarify. In general as everyone knows the market is down, even locally. This has to do with a number of things, but the issues
The other day I was discussing the Real Estate market in the Raleigh NC area with a friend and the topic of being a Listing Agent dominated the conversation. Without going in great detail I was explaining how listings are very circumstantial...and by that I mean there are so many factors influen
The big question ALL sellers want to know when interviewing an agent to list their home is "what are they going to do to sell it?" The answer is not ever that simple because there is never one thing that sells a home....just many events that lined up perfectly to close the deal..and sometimes lu
More than likely if you have ever bought or sold a house or land you have come across the term "contingency". The definition is an event that may, but is not certain to occur. In Real Estate, a contingency basically says "if this does not happen" then my offer is withdrawn or no exam
Whether you are buying or selling Real Estate, at the closing you will see a form called the HUD-1 Settlement Statement. This is a standard form used across the country that in a nutshell, acts as a receipt of your transaction. It will list all debits and credits that are associated with the tr