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Real Estate Agent - Local-n-Global Realty, Cleveland and International Real Estate Solution - BRK 2007000844
Greater Cleveland Real Estate problems and solutions. Immigrants guide to homes in Cleveland. Invest in Cleveland! Foreign investors Real Estate advisers from Local-n-Global Realty.



That was another great day. I am so fortunate to work with outstanding people - smart, very well educated, curious, informed, funny and caring. Isn't it the biggest reward in our profession to get an opportunity to help people who you enjoy working with! We drove around Solon and Bainbridge with ...
Greater Cleveland Housing market: out of balance or still o.k.? How does it feel when market goes even a little bit out of balance like it happened in Greater Cleveland in 2007?We were fortunate to have a pretty balances housing market here in Greater Cleveland, OH. Balanced market may be not a d...
Winter is coming back to Cleveland. After few fine days of almost spring we are watching snowflakes flying and covering green lawns and trees. Wow! Back to reality.No wonder that one of the most productive Real estate professional activities has been named Farming. Like farmers, we depend upon we...
Greater Cleveland is a very goos place to live. Home of Cleveland Orchestra, Play House Square, Museum of Arts, Cleveland Institute of Music, and much more to mention - Cleveland brings us tons of opportunities to entertain and educate ourselves and our kids. I am personally a big fan of Clevelan...
Does the web site which is googled  - or yahoo!, or whatever search engine is - on first page, necessarily belongs to a real good real estate professional? Does the first searched web site generate more leads? I am relatively new to on-line lead generation. As I work with a very defined market ni...

Svetlana Stolyarova

Local-n-Global Realty, Broker 216-548-4663
local_phone(877) 770-5551
smartphone(216) 548-4663
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Exceptional listing services for home sellers in Greater Cleveland. Svetlana Stolyarova, Broker of Local-n-Global Realty is licensed to practice Real Estate in the state of Ohio. Buy globally! Transnational Referral Certificate. Local-n-Global Realty

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