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No important meetings or events had occured in the Maple Heights City government this week. There was a low level of activity on the Maple Heights real estate market this week.  7 single family homes, 1 two family home and 1 condominium were listed for sale.2 single family home was listed for ren...
The Village of Chagrin Falls Utilities Commitee had a meeting on Monday, 05/23/16 at 7:15 PM. Chagrin Falls Facilities & Services Commitee had a meeting on the same day at 7:30 PM. Chagrin Falls Village Council had a second meeting for the month of May on the same day at 8:00 PM. Chagrin Falls Pa...
No important meetings or events have occured in the City of Lyndhurst government this week. There was a high level of activity on the Lyndhurst real estate market this week. 12 single family homes were listed for sale. 1 single family home was listed for rent. 2 single family home listings were r...
 SALES                                                                                            Single family home listed with Lisa M. Kaus,                                                                Howard Hanna Realty                                             3087 Van Aken Blvd, Shaker ...
 PRICE CHANGE                                                                                                      Single family home listed with Mark Schecter and                                     Mark J. Baughman,                                                                 RE/MAX Traditio...
City of Shaker Heights Fair Housing Review Board had a meeting on Wednesday 05/18/16 at 7:00 PM. Shaker Heights Development Corporation had a meeting on Thursday, 05/19/16 at 7:30 PM. Shaker Heights City Council had a second meeting for the month of May on Monday, 05/23/16 at 7:30 PM. There was a...
City of Twinsburg Architectural Board of review had a meeting on Tuesay, 05/19/16 at 5:30 PM.  Solon Finance Commitee had a meeting on Tusday, 05/24/16 at 7:00 PM. Twinsburg City Council had a second meeting for the month of May on the same day at 7:30 PM. There was a medium level of activity on ...
City of Solon Finance Commitee had a meeting on Monday, 06/16/16 at 6:00 PM. Solon Bublic Works Division had a meeting on the same day at 6:45 PM. Solon City Council had a second meeting for the month of May  on the same day at 7:30 PM.  There was a medium level of activity on the Solon real esta...
Cleveland Heights City Council had a second meeting for the month of May on Monday. 05/16/16 at 6:15 PM. Cleveland Heights Architectural Board of Review had a meeting on Tuesday, 05/17/16 at 7:00 PM. Cleveland Heights Citizens Advisory Commitee had a meeting on the same day at 7:30 PM. Board of Z...
City of Maple Heights Finance Commission had a meeting on Tuesday, 05/24/16 at 3:00 PM. There was a low level of activity on the Maple Heights real estate market this week. 7 single family homes were listed for sale. 1 single family home was listed for rent. 3 single family home listings were ret...

Svetlana Stolyarova

Local-n-Global Realty, Broker 216-548-4663
local_phone(877) 770-5551
smartphone(216) 548-4663
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Exceptional listing services for home sellers in Greater Cleveland. Svetlana Stolyarova, Broker of Local-n-Global Realty is licensed to practice Real Estate in the state of Ohio. Buy globally! Transnational Referral Certificate. Local-n-Global Realty

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