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PRICE CHANGE                                                                                                      Single family home listed with David J. Reimer,                                                                    BHHS Professional Realty                            2928 Kingsley Rd...
City of Shaker Heights Board of Appeals had a meeting on Wednesday, 08/03/16 at 7:30 AM. Shaker Heights Recreation & Health Departament had a meeting on the same day at 6:00 PM. Shaker Heights Safety & Public Works Departament had a meeting on Friday, 08/05/16 at 7:30 AM. Shaker Heights City Coun...
City of Twinsburg Parks and Recreation Department held the "Yoga in the Park" event on Tuesday, 08/02/16 at 6:00 PM. Twinsburg Architectural Review Board had a meeting on Thursday, 08/04/16 at 5:30 PM.  Twins Day Parade was held on Saturday, 08/06/16 and Sunday, 08/07/16. There was a medium level...
PRICE CHANGE                                                                                                            Single family home listed with Robert Gallmann,                                                                      RE/MAX Haven Realty                                       34...
City of Solon Finance Commitee had a special meeting on Monday, 08/01/16 at 7: 30 PM. Solon Public Works Commitee had a meeting on Wednesday, 08/03/16 at 6:00 PM. There was a medium level of activity on the Solon real estate market this week. 12 single family homes and 1 residental zoned parcel o...
SALES AND RENTAL                                                                                                                                                  Single family home listed with Andrea T. Wilson,                                                                                       ...
City of Cleveland Heights Council had a meeting on Monday, 08/01/16 at 6:30 PM. Cleveland Heifghts Architectural Board of Review had a meeting on Tuesday, 08/02/16 at 7:00 PM. . Cleveland Heifghts Architectural Board of Review had a meeting on Friday, 08/05/16 at 7:00 PM. There was a high level o...
No important meetings or events have occured in the City of Maple Heights government this week. There was a low level of activity on the Maple Heights real estate market this week. 6 single family homes and 1 residental zoned parcel of land were listed for sale. 1 single family home listing was r...
Village of Chagrin Falls Architectural Review Board had a meeting on Tuesday, 08/02/16 at 8:30 AM. Chagrin Falls Shade Tree Commission had a meeting on Thursday, 08/04/16 at 8:30 AM. There was a medium level of activity on the Chagrin Falls area real estate market this week. 7 single family homes...
City of Lyndhurst Legislative Commitee had  a meeting on Monday, 08/01/16 at 6:00 PM. Lyndhurst Safety Commitee had a meeting on the same day at 6:00 PM. Lyndhurst City Council had a meeting on the same day at at 7:30 PM. There was a medium level of activity on the Lyndhurst real estate market th...

Svetlana Stolyarova

Local-n-Global Realty, Broker 216-548-4663
local_phone(877) 770-5551
smartphone(216) 548-4663
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Exceptional listing services for home sellers in Greater Cleveland. Svetlana Stolyarova, Broker of Local-n-Global Realty is licensed to practice Real Estate in the state of Ohio. Buy globally! Transnational Referral Certificate. Local-n-Global Realty

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