Visit "Local-n-Global" Realty websiteVillage of Chagrin Falls governement was closed during the weeks of the holidays. There was a low level of activity on the Chagrin Falls area real estate market this week. 6 single family homesand 2 two family homes were listed for sale. 3 single family homes
Visit "Local-n-Global" Realty websiteCity of Lyndhurst government offices were closes due ti Christnas and New Year holidays. Thesre was a low level of activity on the Lyndhurst real esstate market. 1 single family home and 1 condominium were listed for sale. 1 condominium listing changed to cont
Visit "Local-n-Global" Realty websiteCity of Shaker Heights government offices were closed this week due to the celebrationof Christmas and New Year holidays. There was a low level of activity on the Shaker Heights area real estate market this week. 2 single family homes were listed for sale. 1 m
Visit "Local-n-Global" Realty websiteCity of Twinsburg Parks Commission had a meeting on Thursday,12/22/16 at 6:30 PM. There was a low level of activity on the Twinsburg area real estate market this week. 1 single family home was listed for sale. 1 condominium listing changed to contract. The pri
The City of Solon Finance Commitee had a meeting on Monday, 12/19/16 at 6:30 PM. There was a low level of activity on the Solon real estate market this week. 2 single family homes were listed for sale. 2 single family home listings were returned to market. 3 single family home listings changed to
Visit "Local-n-Global" Realty websiteMerry Christmas.City of Cleveland Heights Architectural Board of Review had a meeting on Tuesday, 12/20/16 at 7:00 PM. There was a medium level of activity on the Cleveland Heights real estate market this week. 9 single family homes were listed for sale, 7 sin
Visit "Local-n-Global" Realty websiteMerry ChristmasMaple Heights City Council had a second meeting for the Month of December on Wednesday, 12/21/16 at 7:00 PM. There was a low level of activity on the Maple Heights real estate market this week. 5 single family homes were listed for sale, 1 singl
Viwsit "Local-n-Global" Realty websiteThe Village of Chagrin Falls Planning and Zoning Commission had a meeting on Monday, 12/19/16 at 7:30 PM. There was a low level of activity on the Chagrin Falls area real estate market this week. 3 single family homes were listed for sale. 1 condominium was l
Visit "Local-n-Global" Realty websiteCity of Lyndhurst Board of Zoning Appeals had a meeting on Monday, 12/12/16 at 7:30 PM. There was a low level of activity on the Lyndhurst real estate market this week. 4 single family homes and 1 condominium were listed for sale. 2 single family home listings
City of Shaker Heights Board of Appeals had a meeting on Wednesday, 12/07/16 at 7:30 AM. Shaker Heights Civil Service Commission had a meeting on the same day at 3:30 PM. Shaker Heights Joint Landmarks Commission and The Architectural Review Board had a meeting on the same day at 7:30 PM. Shaker