Throughout this little mini-series on the Blog portion of my Realtor Web Marketing installments (can be found on my personal blog), you have learned not only how to set up your blog, but also the things you can (and should) do to help get your sites noticed by both the search engines as well as o
So last time, we talked about where to get content to write about and how you should make posts. Now is where the fun part comes in: Publicizing Your Blog Now you really shouldn’t be publicizing your blog until you have a decent amount of posts (like 15-20). If you try promoting your blog to othe
In the first installment of this series, we talked about setting up your blog. The last installment talked about things you need to consider when adding content to your blog. Now comes the all-important question that most bloggers encounter: What the heck am I supposed to blog about?! Granted, yo
In my first installment of web marketing with blogs, I discussed the various things you need to consider when choosing a blogging platform and where to set it up. Now that your blog is set up, we can move on to the next steps… Step 3: Use Effective Title’s In the word of Search Engine Optimizatio
As I was pondering how to start this ongoing series to help realtors market themselves online, I thought to myself, What better way to start this Web Marketing series than to discuss how realtors and agents can market themselves without having their own website? The solution: create a website out
I am still pretty new to ActiveRain and even though I am not a real estate agent myself, I keep seeing people post on their blogs about their new listings.So my question to you is this: have people who post new listings to their blogs seen direct results of this leading to new leads or offers?I u
I thought I would start an ongoing series of web marketing tips and tactics that I have been using for the past couple of years (and continue to use) to help promote my websites. While it would be way too overwhelming to put every single tip in one post, I plan to just break it up into little p
In my last post which discussed the whole idea of having a sufficient amount of capacity, I stated that I would talk about some of the things I did to help invest and analyze my energy. Analyzing your energy may seem difficult since you are trying to measure something intangible, but it really is
I thought something good to get started here would be to talk about something that I have been working on for quite some time now: capacity. I’m not talking about physical capacity (well, maybe a little), but more about your mental capacity and how you can be misusing it as a real estate agent.