
What impacts a buyer’s decision making process most? Besides price, the property condition, and the environment, there is one more and the most important thing. It’s a neighborhood. Why do buyers worry about the neighborhood so? Because they are choosing their future home and they want the place ...
Realtors are getting some good news in the new stimulus package. On Friday, the president signed the massive $2 trillion bill into law. The law includes numerous benefits for real estate agents, brokers and other American workers in light of the coronavirus pandemic. The National Association of R...
Metrolist is the biggest MLS in Northern California, and it is one of the most important MLS across the country.It serves more than 20,000 real estate professionals in the region.It is the ultimate voice of real estate data in Northern California with an eye on support to realtors even outside th...
Many real estate investors already feel an overwhelming amount of stress. This can come from an overemphasis on profit, money and wealth. Unfortunately, in most cases, this pressure can stop investors from progressing in their career. The lack of efficiency makes them disappointed, and eventually...
We all know that marketing your business is essential for growing your audience and expanding your influence. But what most people associate with marketing are paid promotions, which of course work, but are not organic. We don’t always need to pay for the content to be promoted to have it visible...
Being a real estate agent is interesting and challenging at the same time. You have to work hard and for a long time. Have to be an expert in the real estate market. You should be aware of new trends which are about to come. As a real estate agent you also must have knowledge in marketing and law...
First MLS or FMLS was founded in 1957, and it is the first multiple listing provider in the state of Georgia. Today, it is still the ultimate voice of real estate data across the state.FMLS provides listing information to more than 43,000 real estate professionals active in more than 21,000 broke...
With the coronavirus outbreak, 2020 has not started on a positive note for the whole word. The coronavirus, also known as Covid-19, has become a pandemic that is growing exponentially. The economic and political consequences are hard to predict, but they already are causing a significant concern,...
Starting your career as a real estate agent and making tons of profits is alluring, but it requires strategy. To progress in this market, we need leads, in addition to a vigorous combination of commitment, energy, focus, negotiation skills and a stringent code of ethics. It is obvious that withou...
Today is the era of social media. The importance of social media marketing is huge in businesses. Although traditional media, especially TV, is still considered one of the main marketing devices, the power of social media marketing is limitless. As time goes by, social media is becoming even more...

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