
With the recent COVID-19 update and real estate being deemed as an essential service in many locations, open house tours (with several restrictions) have again become a possibility for real estate agents. But considering the threat of COVID 19, many real estate agents prefer to hold virtual open ...
Having MLS on your website helps you to maintain leads. Users won’t have to leave your site and visit another source in order to see your listings. That’s why it’s very beneficial and crucial for real estate agents to have MLS on their website. In this article, we will talk about the things you n...
OverviewI’m sure you are familiar with the routine in the real estate market. But due to the current situation in the world, there is a worldwide need for significant changes more than ever. Besides the coronavirus outbreak and the need for social distancing, there exist other powerful factors th...
SEO is something everyone talks about nowadays. We all agree that SEO plays a huge role in a website’s lead generation process. You may think about different things while creating your real estate website. You may have included everything, have the best design, the most organized listings, but is...
When thinking of opening a virtual office for your real estate business, there are many things to consider. First of all, you should know what the aim is? Why did you decide to work virtually? Virtual offices are convenient for real estate agents. Especially, when it’s done right. Here we will pr...
In the United States of America, property listings are offered in a regionally unified system called the multiple listing service or MLS. There are currently over 600 MLS in the US, a number which fluctuates given the fact that new MLS are formed and some MLS merge. Check out a full list of MLS i...
Listings are the most important real estate content out there. They are the bread and butter of real estate agents. That’s why it’s so important to find the right placement and strategy to present and advertise real estate listings. In this article, we will talk about top placements for real esta...
With the rise of the pandemic and the already blooming culture of teleworking, working online seems inevitable for real estate agents and brokers.  Most of us in the real estate business already have a website, and some of us are quite active on social media. However, what we basically do there i...
Last decade can be depicted as a renaissance in real estate technology: starting with RETS and RESO API and ending with the latest trend, RESO UPI. The real estate industry is moving slowly but steadily toward a better future and better service for real estate agents, as well as buyers and seller...
You probably heard it a thousand times before: “Content is the King.” If we apply the same idea to videos, then video marketing is a crown prince that might soon dethrone content marketing. But let’s put the drama within the royal family aside for a sec and focus on why YouTube is so important fo...

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