If your website optimization is done by Yahoo, pay very close attention. Yahoo has basically disclosed in their Terms of Service that they now intend to change your search terms, alter your premium optimization services and charge you for the result whether you approve of it or not. Read More
With what’s been going on with twitter in the last several days, I thought I’d take a moment to go back to some basics that we all may have forgotten. I’m talking about security. There are a couple of pitfalls many agents miss than can cause anything from an annoying spammer taking over your tw
I think out here in the blogosphere it's important to remember not to become too stiff. Keep in mind that we're all people out here, we all have pasts, presents and futures. In an age that's becoming more and more digital always remember that there is a laughing crying amazing human being tappi
Recently I had a chance to talk to Dan Powell, creator of Update Lane. Update Lane is a good concept, a self-contained online listing tracking system for starters. It's scheduled for beta-release soon and as I took a closer look I was more than a little intrigued by it's implications. Read More
So it’s the beginning of 2009, and we have an opportunity to take marketing to places it has never been. Social Media is one of the most exciting ways to do that. I’ve been having a great time experimenting with becoming involved with networks of my peers and the people I want to reach. Here are
Everyone wants to make this a profitable and productive 2009. I've put together some tools to help you do just that. Have a great new year! Read More
Many agents are prone to blaming their web-hosting company if their site is not producing. It’s often comforting to play the blame-game, unfortunately that’s all it is. It’s not productive, it gains you nothing (except perhaps further setup fees with your new host) and if the same mistakes are re
Take a few minutes to connect with the people that are driving Real Estate Marketing on the Internet today. Read More
Have you searched for yourself lately? Often Agents will abandon unproductive sites for something new, particularly if the site was free. Today’s agents should keep in mind that when you abandon a site and leave your old information up, it can cost you quite a bit. Read More
In today's market, it's important to remember the basics of website design and marketing. Those factors are becomming increasingly more integrated into salesmanship as a whole. Read More