Home Staging Rockland County NY

Home Stager
Rockland Home Staging is a great site to see how we can stage your home to sell it quicker and for more money. Rockland Home Staging is the best staging company in Rockland County NY. Home Staging, Home Stager, Rockland County NY, Rockland County, New York, Realtor, Real Estate, FSBO, Curb Appeal,



I have been planning on creating a HSS (Home Staging Show) that I can publish on my website almost as a commercial for Rockland Home Staging.I thought it would be a great way to market myself and my business.  I was trying to think of ways to use HSS as a marketing tool. I was having a mental blo...
OK most of you guys know that I love vFlyer.  Recently I was contacted by Oliver from vflyer.com.  Oliver said that vFlyer was featuring a business that uses and promotes vFlyer.  He said I was chosen because I have been supportive of vFlyer on Active Rain.  So when I went back and looked I reali...
It is a huge decision to choose one member to spotlight in the  Weekly Member Spotlight .  I have decided to break with convention and feature an entire group.  The Photography group is one of the nicest places on Active Rain.  It is the kind of group that reminds me of the bar from the series Ch...
The home staging industry is gaining steady momentum in the Real Estate industry but many of us have been looking for a way to fan the flames and ignite interest.  I've been reading the book, The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell and racking my brain to figure out a way to get realtors not only i...
WEST NYACK LIBRARY 65 Strawtown Road West Nyack, NY 10994 Phone: (845)358-6081 Fax: (845)358-4071 E-mail: West Nyack Free Library   Adult Programs Home-Staging: A Different Way of Looking at Your House Wednesday, April 11 at 7:30 PM Maureen Henry owner of Rockland Home Staging shares a proven st...
Here is an Easter Bunny Cake that I've been making for years.  My Mom used to make it when I was a kid.  It could not be easier.  You just use one box of yellow cake mix in two 9 inch round cake pans.  When the cakes have cooled cut two pieces out of one of them for the ears - this will leave you...
My walk in closet is the one place in the home that is mine, I have complete control.  It is neat, organized and color coordinated.  What more can you really ask of a space.  When things get really hectic in the house and the chaos is threatening to take over my husband always says, "HONEY WHY D...

Maureen Maureen

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