Home Staging Rockland County NY

Home Stager
Rockland Home Staging is a great site to see how we can stage your home to sell it quicker and for more money. Rockland Home Staging is the best staging company in Rockland County NY. Home Staging, Home Stager, Rockland County NY, Rockland County, New York, Realtor, Real Estate, FSBO, Curb Appeal,



This 2700 Square foot Colonial is in Excellent Condition Floors: 2.0Bedrooms: 4Bathrooms: 3Lot size / acres: .44Sq. Footage:2700Garage Size:2.5Year Built:1950School District:So. OrangetownAmenities:Fireplace, Central AC, Alarm, Wood Floors, Gas Range, Patio, Public Transportation This 2700 Squar...
I think some times homeowners and realtors do not want to use home stagers because their homes / listings will never look like the ones in the glossy home staging brochures. Not every home is a $1.7 town home with and elevator and spa like bathroom. In fact most of my business comes from your ave...
It seems there are home staging companies popping up all over the place and it can be confusing to sort through all the new start up companies.  When choosing a home staging professional to stage your home or to refer if you are a realtor there are several factors that you need to take into consi...
I have been using my Real Estate Shows before and after show as a sidebar widget for some time now. It plays in mini version right in my sidebar on the right hand side of my blog under my picture. I have been asked by several people how I got my tiny RES widget so I figured I'd write up a tutoria...
I don't know if every individual or family has a personal code of ethics, but in my family it is easy. I tell the kids whenever you are in a situation and you are not sure that you are doing the right thing or making the right choice just think to yourself, "Would I do this in front of Gramdma?" ...
      This townhome is very modern so I staged it with a spa-like relaxing look.  I chose a very neutral color palate of cream and sage.     I did not want to take away from the high end fixtures and granate, only to enhance them.  I'd like to thank Kathy Nielsen  of Home Staging Atlanta for pos...
 There has been a lot of discussion about links recently.  I think if we all take some simple steps we can really help each other out.  It is a common practice on Active Rain to link other people in our blogs, it is good blogging etiquette.  If you are writing about something that was inspired by...
Rockland Home Staging recently staged a colonial in Rockland County NY where the kitchen was just not working. It was very neutral but it looked washed out.  The cabinets are that bleached wood that is almost pink and the walls were painted a pail peach.  It really wasn't such a bad color but it ...
I'm sure you've all heard of fantasy football teams, I've heard of them, I'm not exactly sure how it works but I thought I'd put a spin on the concept and create an Active Rain Fantasy Real Estate Office.  First thing any great office needs is a few top agents, the big dogs, the sharks. These rea...
I'd like to think my bud, Cheryl Johnson for writing up the directions to INLINE FRAMING. There are many times when we link other websites to our blogs. The problem is that people may click on that link and get lost for half that day. So rather than sending out a search party you can try the inli...

Maureen Maureen

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