Home Staging Rockland County NY

Home Stager
Rockland Home Staging is a great site to see how we can stage your home to sell it quicker and for more money. Rockland Home Staging is the best staging company in Rockland County NY. Home Staging, Home Stager, Rockland County NY, Rockland County, New York, Realtor, Real Estate, FSBO, Curb Appeal,



A while back I wrote a post entitled: Spa like bathrooms - they're hot!Today I'd like to announce the long awaited sequel:Spalike Bathroom Part Deux  I love staging bathrooms.  They are one of the rooms where it is easiest to set the mood.  Once I was staging a home where the homeowner was a sing...
I just read an article a NY Times article about the XO-Laptop Program.  The program is being run by Nicholas Negroponte, founder of the OLPC project.  Their goal is to ship computers to children in developing nations.  Negroponte says, "While children are by nature eager for knowledge, many count...
Piermont Historical Society Boat Cruise Sunday September 23 was the boat cruise on the majestic Hudson River. The boat left from the end of the Piermont Pier, went under the Tappan Zee bridge then made its way down the Palisades Cliffs toward New York City. It was a beautiful evening, the weather...

Maureen Maureen

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