- thoughts from Central Florida

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Real Estate Appraiser - is Richard Ferris. I am a Florida state certified real estate appraiser serving clients in Lake county, Orange county, Osceola county, Polk county, Seminole county, and parts of Volusia county. My blog concerns local market activities, general thoughts on my real estate world, and technology tips to be more productive as a paperless office.
I am sure someone already blogged about this somewhere - but I thought this was worth repeating if so! You likely know that Active Rain works on a point system.  Invite others to join...earn points. Post a blog....earn point. Comment on other people's blog...earn points. And the points matter, si...
Coester Appraisal Group released its annual survey of appraisers - almost 1,600 of them!  These appraisers commented on their experience with AMCs - Appraisal Management Companies. You can find a copy of the survey HERE. I found one portion particularly interesting.  We all know about lower fees,...
Here in central Florida, things have been rough for the last couple of years!  We saw the "boom" of 2004-2006 and the "bust" of 2007-2009.   Many cities in Florida are still in a massive "over supply" situation with continued declines in home prices. However, not all markets are the same.  In eac...
This is a great discussion of what is occuring right now between Appraisers and Realtors.   Appraisers - we need to report the market and be competent in our area.Realtors - you need to ask how far away your appraiser is coming from.  Remember this term and look it up:  Geographic Competency 10 W...
A recent article from the Florida Realtor's Association, noted that Florida's consumer confidence was on the rise. It is interesting that at the same time in the market, I am noting trends as of the 3rd quarter 2009, showing recovery of price/sf and in many cases - increase over the prior quarter...
FINALLY!    Thanks to Jeremy Blanton (ActiveRain Corp.) who posted ActiveRain Announces Automatic Signatures on Your Blog  - I finally have a wish come true! I often had to copy and paste my "signature" from an old blog post to the current one - as trying to keep the formatting the same by retypi...
Sometimes..... all it takes is finding a turtle in your front lawn to make you happy! We all go through ups and downs, high moments and low moments.  We often celebrate the great victories as we over come our challenges and obstacles. But remember, sometimes it is just the small moments in life ...
I recently received an email post on the Wintotal User Forum from Adam Calvery.   Adam is a VP product manager with Alamode - and allowed me to republish his email below.   This is some great information to consider when thinking that we have now somehow lost income in a new appraisal world, like...
They say we should work SMARTER, not HARDER! These days the work is getting harder with the advent of the 1004MC, HVCC, AMCs, and a host of other terms and lingo - but the good news is, volume is up and the work is getting steady! I was talking to an appraiser friend locally, who is still using p...
I saw an Active Rain blog roll, and clicked on the title of this since it is what I do every day - make time adjustments in the market. When I opened the blog - I was surprised.....THIS IS MY APPRAISAL they are talking about!! Bryant Tutas has certainly stirred up some great conversation over th...

Richard D. Ferris

Florida State Certified (FHA) Appraiser
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Appraisal related topics, market reports, and valuation issues