Late last year, I think it was Christmas Eve, a local realtor invited me to join Active Rain. I went to the website, to check it out. I noted that it was a place for those in the real estate industry to blog about anything and comment about any blog. It was an easy decision
We had two things happen at our company this weekend that makes you wonder. I received an email from a new client that read in part as follows: "A Black Lady showed my houe to a Black couple. My house was shown to some people whose vehicle cost less than a months rent." Now, it is true that w
On Thursday morning the City of Sacramento held a public information meeting at the Sam Pannel Center at 2450 Meadowview Road. The meeting had several speakers with booths surrounding the the seating. Max Fernandez runs Code Enforcement and his main point was that the city wants to make the prog
Once in while we have requests from a business entity to rent a house. The business may have moved an employee to our city and they want to cover the costs for that employee. It is our practice to take applications from the people that are to occupy the house. It is too easy to dummy up a busin
There are many answers to this question, but for me, the true bottom is when investors buy single family dwellings because the rent they can get on a cash deal will support the price. If a property will rent for $1,000.00 a month it will generate $12,000.00 in a year. If that property can be pu
A shared fence is a fence built on the property line between two adjoining parcels. Each owner shares the fence equally. If the fence needs repairs or falls down and needs to be replaced, each owner should chip in one half the cost. There are many ways to handle the issue. The two owners cou
The City of Sacramento is holding two informational workshops on the new Rental Inspection Program. City staff will present information on the new program and answer questions from property owners and managers. Thursday August 21, 2008 9:30 am -11 am Samuel Pannell Center 2450 Meadowview Road
Some of our clients want to rent their homes with some of the items "as is". They might tell us that the washer and dryer can stay, but they do not want to fix them. Or, they don't have a way to move their refrigerator, so can they leave it in the house, but rent it "as is". Is this a good i
It is cheap. With tax write offs the investor gets close to a 50% discount. Decisions are made with current laws in mind. The investor's insurance company protects both the investor and the property manager for one price. It does not cost extra to cover the property manager. Tenants get 24/7
I suggest that all property management companies verify who is on title of each new account. This is an insurance policy for the property manager for a couple of reasons. First, you will know that the person signing the agreement is the owner. There are scams out there where people obtain the k