Identity Theft Expert Speaker

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You can buy encryption tools to prevent people from reading the contents of your e-mails should they intercept them. But what about those who have NSA-caliber resources and skills? The problem is that encryption services usually leave wide open the e-mail’s metadata: e.g., sender, recipient, subj...
Google normally displays a malware and phishing warning in the Chrome browser. There are plans, though, to alter the display. Currently it’s a white warning against a red background. The new display will be an entirely red page, with a big X at the display’s top. These warnings tell the user that...
Most people don’t give good hard thinking to their capabilities in a physical assault situation. You need not be built like an MMA fighter to know effective self-defense. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of safety. Attackers look for unsuspecting targets. Walk and park only in well-lit are...
Identity proofing is proof of whom you are. Proving one’s identity starts with that person answering questions that only they themselves can answer (even if the answers are fictitious), such as their favorite movie, mother’s maiden name or name of their high school. Since most people provide real...
On August 30th, 1982, a copyright for a Computer Program for Electronic Mail System was issued to Shiva Ayvadurai. Thus, email was born. 32 years later, email has become an essential part of our lives. Emails are a must-have item, allowing us to connect and share information with friends, teacher...
Everything seems like it is connected to the Internet, just about, including TVs, home thermostats, sprinkler controls, door locks, egg trays (yes, there’s an app for that), tooth brushes (cray cray), and more. A study by HP shows that 70 percent of devices have vulnerabilities. Researchers have ...
In a few words, there are some issues. But, really, don’t worry about it. But be aware of whats going on. So are your home’s Internet-connected smart gadgets smart enough to ward off hackers? A research team found that they’re pretty dumb in this area. A house was filled with smart gadgets in an ...
Though there’s no such thing as a 100 percent burglar-proof home, there’s also no such thing as a burglar who has the skills of Mission Impossible’s Ethan Hunt, Spiderman or the Hulk, either. With enough security measures, you can almost make your home burglar-proof. When homeowners think of secu...
You can legally purchase spyware and install it on your computer, but it’s against the law to do so on someone else’s device. Spyware records e-mails, chats, browser history, passwords, usernames, etc. You’d buy it for your computer if you wanted to know what your tween was up to on it or how muc...
Want to be invisible online? Get to know Tor. Tor will make you cyber-anonymous, concealing your cyber footprints, ID, browsing history and physical location. It even makes the sites you visit anonymous. Now, all that being said, there seems to be a concerted effort by certain US government agenc...