California Mortgage Blog

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Mortgage and Lending - US Bank - NMLS: 22343



What's a Piggyback Mortgage? As if!  As if mortgages weren't complex enough, now you're going to tell me there's such a thing as TWO mortgages stacked on top of each other --- just to buy the same home you could otherwise get with one mortgage?  Are you a glutton for punishment? OK, calm down.  Y...
Jumbo Mortgage with 5% Down Payment You never hear anyone say "Give it 95%!," do you?  And, curiously, when it comes to getting a jumbo mortgage, that still holds true --- the vast majority of homebuyers still think it takes a 20% down payment to enter the market. As of 2019, there are 34 metropo...
What's the Point of Points? Let's get right to the point.  What point?  Points.  I don't get it.  What's your point?  The point is points --- what are they, how do they work and should I pay them when I get a mortgage?  There's a lot of confusion about points and when a borrower researches his or...
What Is a Debt Service Coverage Ratio Mortgage? Real estate investors have long turned to private money loans when conventional mortgage lenders have determined that either they, with their multiple property holdings, or the properties they are looking to buy, pose too great a risk.  But for its ...
When Is a Good Time to Refinance? There's that great, old maxim that goes, "There are two kinds of jobs in the world; the kind you shower before and the kind you shower after."  And in that spirit, I would offer that there are two kinds of refinances in the world --- the kind you transact because...

Rob Spinosa

Mortgage Loan Originator, Marin County
local_phone(415) 367-5959
smartphone(415) 367-5959
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REX Homebuyer Participating Lender

80-10-10 Loans

What Happens if My Appraisal Comes in Low?

Can I Get a Cosigner on a Mortgage?