California Mortgage Blog

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Mortgage and Lending - US Bank - NMLS: 22343



Conforming a Little More Each Year If you know me, you know that I don't like to stick to convention.  I was the teenager who skipped college, moved to Hollywood and played rock guitar.  In my 20's, I saved up vacation time not for sandy white beaches but instead for expeditions to the harsh moun...
Are Your California Property Taxes On Supplements? Are you one of the 77% of U.S. adults who takes some form of nutritional supplement?  If so, you've contributed to the estimated $31 billion dollars of revenue that this industry generated in 2018.  So it stands to reason that California counties...
The Yin and Yang of Mortgages for Business Owners It is no secret that the self-employed have their share of challenges when it comes to getting a home loan. And why wouldn't they? On one hand, their tax professionals spend hours maximizing their deductions and helping them "write off" every allo...

Rob Spinosa

Mortgage Loan Originator, Marin County
local_phone(415) 367-5959
smartphone(415) 367-5959
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REX Homebuyer Participating Lender

80-10-10 Loans

What Happens if My Appraisal Comes in Low?

Can I Get a Cosigner on a Mortgage?