Roger Johnson's (rogerajohnson) Blog

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Hickory NC Real Estate News and Area Information, by Roger A Johnson, Realtor, offering Hickory NC homes for sale, Hickory NC Home search, Your Source for Hickory NC Real Estate
Christianne Gordon found a great website,  If you're looking for an easy, and fast, way to fill out a pdf form professionally.  This is it.  Try it out and see for yourself. Thanks, Christianne. Do your Asset Managers or Sellers - or even Lenders - ever send you PDF's you need to ...
The ActiveRain Network recently posted on an updated feature to the Re-blog function on AR.  The post was reBlogs now require commentary and it got a lot of interesting comments on the subject of reblogging, in general, as well as (to date) 5 reblogs itself (more on that later). Apparently, there...
A recent MSNBC article (read the article here) states that several major banks, including Bank of America and Wells Fargo, have decided to give local government and nonprofit groups the ability to buy their foreclosures before they are sold to private investors. One can only assume that they inte...
A recent article by Time magazine, written by Barbara Kiviat, The Case Against Homeownership, you can read the online version of it here.  basically makes the idea of homeownership the new boogie man of the 21st century.  Oh Yay! The summary of Ms. Kiviat's report is that the idea of homeownershi...
That's that time again in Newton, NC! Tomorrow is the 121st Soldiers' Reunion Day held in Newton, NC.   Things kick off at 9am tomorrow with a whole day of events, shows and food! The main event is the Soldiers' Reunion Parade which begins at 5:00pm If you're new to the area, this is something th...
Okay, so I get a phone call from a lady that has found some houses on the Internet that she'd like to take a look at and she was looking for an agent that could help in purchasing a home. "Well, I'd be glad to help," I said, "what properties have you got picked out?" Then she says that before we ...
It's time again for Newton, NC's Soldiers Reunion Crusin' & Car Show!The fun starts tomorrow, Sunday, August 15th, 2010 in downtown Newton, NC.The Car Show begins at 2:30pm and the crusin' starts at 6:30p Cars will start rollin' in a lot earlier though, and I'll be at First United Methodist Churc...
Inspired by Jennifer Prestwich's post, What's with the Pictures on the MLS? (sorry, non-ActiveRainers, it's a member's only post), I thought I'd write the 'other side of the story of, at least some, bad MLS photos.  BTW, if you want to see some really bad MLS photos, just type in 'bad MLS photos'...
I just read an article by James A. Crumbaugh, III, the CEO of Allison James Estates and Homes agency, entitled, Will the Real Estate Industry Cease to Exist?  Simply put, this is another doom and gloom outlook on not only the death of the real estate agent, but in this article the death of the en...
Here is a post via Lisa Udy about a fellow REALTOR, Carolyn Capalbo, an agent in Northern Virginia, and how someone can be adversely affected just for sharing a common name with someone that has become "infamous."  This is NOT identity theft, just having the misfortune of sharing a name, folks. T...

Roger Johnson

smartphone(828) 270-9330
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