The View From 400K is much like the view from 100K. I remember breaking that first milestone and seeing no end in sight to my drive to get to the top ten in Michigan. At 300K I hit a wall. I wasn't seeing the silver lining anymore just the cloud hanging over me. I hadn't received any referrals or
One of our newest additions is our Mecosta County Area Chamber of Commerce Member Benefits 101. This will be at The Gate, here in Big Rapids on January 24, 2013 at 6pm. One of my first acts as incoming president was to call each and every member and thank them for being part of our Chamber family
I often joke around about my deals being stronger than a Jerry Scoby Handshake. If you ever are in Big Rapids, take a minute to track down Jerry Scoby and experience his handshake for yourself. Usually he can be found on the Campus of Ferris State University, where he is Vice President for Admini
I often find myself wondering once we've weeded out the bad, Who's Left to Run for Office? Seems every channel on tv or page of the paper has the latest great smear on pretty much any candidate to run for office. Doesn't matter if it has any truth in it at all just go ahead and sling your mud cau
We should all really spend more time Looking for the Highlights instead of the negatives. Preception is everything and when you go in looking for problems you will find them. Today I was driving up the expressway thinking about fall and the high heat bills approaching and almost missed the highli
Being human I do need to eat and occasionally sleep so God Grant My Clients The Patience They Expect From Me. It seems to happen way more frequently than ever sit down to eat and the phone rings, you call back after a few bites and the caller couldn't wait to mess around with you, t
This year the 2012 MCMC Festival of Trees will be on November 7th this year. The reception kicks off at 6:30 with the auction beginning at 7:30pm sharp. The Festival of Trees is an annual event in which community members decorate and donate trees, wreaths, and holiday gift items. It is always gr
I am a firm believer in the saying "Giving Cash is Good but Giving of Your Time is Precious". If you have read many of my post you will know i am a huge Chamber of Commerce fan so when asked to serve as President it was without thought that I agreed. Excited to think of the possibilities I told m
Today I received both Good and Bad News in Big Rapids, MI. I have been working with a great lady who is planning to move here to Big Rapids, MI. We have an accepted offer on the house she picked and are only waiting for her house to close where she lives now. She calls and say's I have good news
Feeling Appreciated in Big Rapids, MI was easy today. A few months ago Blarney Castle opened a Marathon Gas/ EZMart here in Big Rapids, MI. Today they once again showed their appreciation to their customers by free lunch including Bill and Will's gourmet hot dogs, pizza and sodas. A lot of compan