Very good advice for families located in the path of Hurrican Earl. Be prepared and do not take chances. All outdoor furniture and personal property should be moved indoors or secured. Be safe. Blooming for home buyers. Hurricane Earl and the Crystal Coast As of this afternoon, The track of Hu...
This is a good reminder from Jason Crouch that feeling thin is better than tasting good. Real estate professionals are challenged by the presence of too much food and too little time for regular meal schedules. It is a good time to change our habits. Blooming for home buyers. After posting a cou...
This is a good reminder and important information for home owners with unconditioned crawl spaces. Venting is needed. It always pays to have a professional home inspection when purchasing a property. Blooming for home buyers. When a home has an unconditioned (unheated) crawl space, most building...
The posting of this photograph by Steve Hoffacker is a good reminder to take a camera with us on our daily rounds. Capture the images of beauty that nature provides for us. Blooming in August and life is good. This passion flower begs the question what is our passion? This passion is so beau...
Richard Weisser provides some outstanding advice for home sellers. It is not a time for "testing the market". Realistic pricing is a key element for attracting serious prospective purchasers. The lenders have learned this lesson as well in the pricing of the REO inventory. Blooming for home buye...
Maureen McCabe provides a good reminder to post blogs on our local school systems. Home buyers do want to see this information. Just this morning, the newspapers included articles on the outstanding schools that we have in Montgomery County, MD, with over 100,000 students enrolled this year. Blo...
Nester and Katerina Gasset offer some very good tips for bloggers. I just need to learn how to do these things with a PC. All of us can learn much from other members of ActiveRain. Life is good in August. Newbies- here are the answers to some of your most asked questions. I have included the lin...
Thanks to Jeff Dowler for reminding us to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. It is a good idea to take a camera with you on walks or when out on business. Capture some of the natural scenes that validate that life is good! Blooming in August. Vegetation in Southern California covers an a...
Margaret Rome provides a good reminder that agents should take every opportunity to post information on the internet and include specific addresses. Many prospects do Google the address to see what they find. Blooming for Maryland home buyers. So I googled my new listing "11110 Hidden Trail" a...
It is good to watch blog posts by Russel Ray when you want to know what is happening at the San Diego Zoo. And, his business related posts are the highest of quality. Thanks to Russel for his efforts to provide interesting new information every day. Blooming for professional home inspectors. For...