We need to visit Lewisburg and Greenbrier County in West Virginia. Lewisburg real estate professional Rebecca Gaujot has provided a preview of some of the things to see in the area. This looks like a very good travel destination for many of us. Please go to the original blog if you wish to make ...
If you need a good idea for a weekly blog, copy Pat Kennedy and post a list of your favorite blogs. It seems that she always includes a post or two that I missed during the week. Please go to the original blog if you wish to make comments that Pat will see. Yes, I know that my last name is not c...
Ad-Ware on your blog?I was not even familiar with the term until reading this blog by Florida home staging professional Kathy Streib. Please go to the original blog if you wish to make comments that will be seen by Kathy. Who Are You and What Did You Do to My Blog?I was wandering around the Rain ...
Appraisal Problems? Communicate with the Appraiser We have a housing inventory shortage in some communities and that has lead to multiple contract situations for many of the properties that are offered for sale. The market is proving to be difficult in regard to valuations. Paul McCausland, a ...
Kentlands Board Seeking Volunteers for Treasurer and Trustee Positions August 1st Deadline This notice was published by the Kentlands Board: The Board would like to take this opportunity to seek Kentlands residents who may be interested in serving as a Trustee for the Kentlands Citizens Ass...
Maryland Summer Flowers: Kentlands Photowalking Walking through the neighborhood is good exercise. Having a camera in hand adds interest to the importance of exercise. Kentlands, our home community in Gaithersburg, Maryland, is designed for walking and the beauty of the homes and gardens provid...
Gaithersburg Neighborhoods Participate in National Night Out Against Crime Five neighborhoods and one business community in the City of Gaithersburg are joining with more than 15,000 groups across the country to participate in the 29th Annual National Night Out (NNO) Against Crime campaign. On Tu...
Soloist Auditions for the Kentlands Winter Chorus July 28, 2012; 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm, Kentlands ClubhousePlease prepare a brief song that shows your vocal range and personality. A pianist will be provided. Soloists chosen will have the opportunity to perform at several local events including Kentl...
Busy Bees in Maryland: Photowalking in Kentlands An early morning walk is a good time to enjoy the flowers in your community and the light is perfect for photographs. In Kentlands, there are thousands of coneflowers and the bees are busy at this time of the year. Take time to enjoy the beauty...
Manchester, NH real estate professional Scott Godzyk provides some very good advice to home buyers and very specific advice for REO purchasers. It is always a good idea to fully understand the obligations of a contract before adding your signature. Please go to the original blog if you wish to ma...