The colors of spring at Longwood Gardens Those of us that enjoy photography respond to light and colors and dearly love the colors of spring. Flower photographers find wonderful colors at any time of the year in the Conservatory at Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania. Please share ...
M. Cutone Mushroom Company, Avondale, PA - Fresh Mushrooms On Tuesday, Dolores and I made one of our regular visits to Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania. The primary purpose for our day trip was to see and photograph Orchid Extravaganza, the current major exhibit at Longwood Gar...
Editing Flower Pictures with iPiccy All of us that are in real estate know that editing will improve any photograph that we plan to use in marketing materials. We also know that we must present a true picture of the property so the images will not be misleading. When we take photographs for pe...
Those of us that are huggers are delighted to see this report from our friend in Florida, Toni Weidman, assuring us that hugging is good for our health. I guess we will just have to live with the fact that this applies only when we hug someone that we know. Spread your hugs and good health. Plea...
We have an icy day in Maryland and these cold weather reminders from Kristin Hamilton are very timely. It is nice to know that Kristin is thinking about us as she enjoys the weather in California. Please go to the original blog if you wish to leave comments that will be seen by Kristin. Dahlia, ...
Martinsburg, West Virginia real estate professional Jeanne Kozak share some information for those of us that did not have a clue as the the meaning of labels on produce at the grocery store. Please go to the original blog if you wish to leave comments that will be seen by Jeanne. Have an outstand...
Make email marketing a priority Celeste Grupman, from Grasshopper, offers some very good advice for real estate professionals. Email marketing is one of the keys to success in 2013. Please go to the original blog if you wish to leave comments that will be seen by Celeste. Have an outstanding week...
Alternative uses for coffee grounds and filters Austin real estate professional Dorie Dillard shares some practical suggestions. What tips do you have to add to this list? Please go to the original blog if you wish to leave comments that will be seen by Dorie. Dahlia, Brookside Gardens, Imaginati...
Blogging Rules Clarksville real estate professional Debbie Reynolds share some blogging guidelines that some of us need to carefully study. I subscribe to Debbie's outstanding blogs and recommend that you do the same. Please go to the original blog if you wish to leave comments that will be seen...