31st Annual National Night Out (NNO) Against Crime campaign This is an update on the National Night Out Against Crime campaign events in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Kentlands has been added to the list. Kentlands residents should note the time and date for the ice cream social and a learning experien...
Fall Recreation Class Registration in Gaithersburg If you live in Gaithersburg, you should have received The Fall Leisure Times in the mail. Now is the time to take a close look at the offerings and register your family members for the recreation classes on August 4 or soon thereafter. Take full...
Farmers Market Week in Gaithersburg Gaithersburg area residents certainly enjoy the local farmers’ markets during the growing season. The City of Gaithersburg has recognized the importance of farmers’ markets with the proclamation of Farmers Market Week. Plan to do some shopping at your nearby ...
Be Alert for Thieves at Open Houses Northern Virginia agents have received a notice that a couple is making it a practice to steal personal property at open houses. This couple enters an open house and tells the agent that they are in a hurry. They split and then steal items. Listing agents and...
National Night Out Against Crime in Gaithersburg You and your family will want to participate in the National Night Out Against Crime campaign in your home neighborhood. Many of us are fortunate to have police departments with very effective community relations programs. The following notice w...
Happy Hour Blogging Beverage: Chesapeake Pale Ale During the summer months, I have been seeking the ideal blogging beverages. Since there seems to be an endless selection of suitable beverages, I will simply share my experience with you. This evening’s beverage is Chesapeake Pale Ale brewed by ...
Congratulations to Karen Fiddler, the Newest ActiveRain Millionaire Laguna Beach and Lake Arrowhead, California real estate professional and ActiveRain blogger Karen Fiddler has just passed the million points milestone on the ActiveRain Leaderboard. She now ranks at #113 in the network. Please ...
Adding Contributors to Facebook Photo Albums Another way to share MeetUp photos I hope you are using Facebook for some of your photo albums. You are able to have hundreds of albums with up to 200 photographs in each album. There is space for a description for each picture and the information m...
Happy Birthday to Kristin Hamilton I was glad to see the Facebook reminder that today is the birthday of ActiveRain Ambassador and real estate professional Kristin Hamilton. Happy Birthday to Kristin Hamilton and best wishes for continued success. Please visit Kristin’s blogs to leave your birt...