Rebekah's Social Media & Marketing Roundup

Real Estate Technology - Imagine WOW! Digital Marketing Agency
Specializing in Social Media Marketing, Social Media Consulting and Management, Social Media Training and Content Marketing
  2011 proved to be an explosive year for social media.   Millions of people flocked to top social sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn eager to connect, converse and be heard.  The numbers reveal what we hear every day.  Using social media marketing in your business can be profitable if do...
Twitter marketing can be an effective and inexpensive social media solution for your real estate business.  With only 140 characters required, Twitter offers a short and sweet way to get your message out. Twitter can also be an incredible addition to your current marketing campaign and a truly r...
    Goal setting without a strategic plan of action is similar to shooting darts in the dark.  You might occasionally hit the dartboard, but you will not see consistent results. Building measurable goals and inserting them into an actionable plan is key to the successful execution of a business p...
    Social media can feel like a runaway train for those without an online social marketing strategy.  You can easily find yourself on social media overload; lost and confused on where to head next.  We throw away valuable time bouncing from Facebook to Twitter and then back to our blog.  It can ...
    Most sales professionals would agree; referrals are the lifeblood of their business and truly some of the best clients to find. This word-of-mouth recommendation not only comes with a seal of approval from the referrer, but  a testimonial of the value that you offer.  Building your business b...
  Successful sales people do not happen overnight.  They happen because of their unbridled enthusiasm, unfailing determination and an insatiable desire to succeed.  They are hard working, diligent and consistent in all that they do and will not allow anything to deter their efforts. Their success...
Focusing your energy and attention on a particular real estate niche hasn’t always been an attractive idea.  In fact, there are many real estate agents that still believe niche marketing is far too narrow in scope. If you find yourself fighting the urge to 'dig for riches in real estate niches' ...
Are you a lurker?  Do you stop by blog after blog, day after day without leaving so much as a comment to let the author know you were there?  Sadly, you are not alone.  Lurking is a common ailment affecting many a reader who claims “they don’t have time to comment” or they “wouldn’t know what to...
  This weeks roundup of All Things Real Estate offers a mix of marketing ideas, social media strategies and professional development tips that will help your business rock in the New Year! Sit back, grab your cup of coffee and enjoy our real estate roundup of top tweets, posts and blogs from this...
    Do you know what makes today special? Not only is it the first Monday of the New Year, but it is also marks the one day of the year that you can try any new marketing idea without the fear of failure. Today is "Run it Up the Flagpole and See if Anybody Salutes It Day" where you have the oppor...

Rebekah Radice

Social Media Marketing, Coaching & Training
local_phone(818) 588-6548
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Author Bio: Rebekah Radice is a social media marketing, internet marketing and content marketing specialist. Rebekah Radice consults with business professionals to assist with their social media and blog marketing efforts.

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