Central Texas is exploding as usual and for that we are grateful as Realtors. According to the Austin Business Journal and the Austin American Statesman, there are 110 people moving to Austin proper (what we call Central Texas) a day - thats right... a day. The surrounding cities which use to be...
In the paper this morning, the author published that 47,300 people have moved into the Austin Area from July 2012 to July 2013. Well, that isn't anything I didn't know because our market has been bonkers these last couple of years with no end in sight. But it sure does explain the lack of invent...
Round Rock, Texas is growing and breathing with excitement. New businesses are flocking to the area and established companies are enjoying the benefits of local flavor branded by new life. One of the things going on here, is that the highly anticipated restaurant, the In and Out burger finally op...
On Tuesday, November 19th from 4 to 7, the Williamson County Association of Realtors is having a Holiday Market with many vendors providing many different products for the Realtors to pre-view/purchase on Tuesday evening (4 to 7) accompanying some wine and cheese. Then on Wednesday, it is open ...
As always, Austin hosts many fun things to do, all the time. We don't need an excuse to party because we are in Austin. We party everyday sometimes, many times for no reason. That's part of being an Austinite. So, I thought this sounded fun...tonight the Humpday video club is showing a double...
Last week, I was fortunate to attend my first Active Rain get together, where we met at Iron Cactus in Austin, TX. The leader of our group this time was Robert Ratliffe, who I have had the pleasure of knowing for many years. I felt we had a wonderful group (10 to 12) of us, which made it fun and...
working in the Hutto market is always fun and exciting. Hutto is growing like crazy with many people moving there because of the excellent schools, small town atmosphere The Hutto Texas Real Estate Market is going through some changes. Here are the numbers for March 2013. We offer market updates ...
I live in Round Rock, TX which butts up to Austin, our state capital. We (Central Texas) have been experiencing a drought for several years. We were dry, dry, dry. Our lakes are around 38% full and dropping. The beautiful green trees have been on the brown side for too long. But for the second ...
I was just reading a blog by Joe Jackson out of Columbus, Ohio - he wrote a blog about multiple offers, lowballing or stepping up to the plate offers. I concurred with him about the fact, that the majority of us as Listing agents (full time), know how to price a home at a good price and are pric...
Many of you may have already heard of this but apparently I had not. My friend called me and said she had just received a letter from XYZ Mortgage Co. saying that she may be owed some money by her original Mortgage company and that she needed to call them immediately so they could do a Mortgage A...