Why Your Credit Score is Important When Buying a HomeIf you're in your early 20's or maybe even younger, you may not realize the importance of your credit score, or that you even have one. Some people don't even realize that their credit score stays with them their entire life and is constantly c
Why Are Reverse Mortgages Gaining Popularity?Most people refer to the state of California as the Golden State but is that really the reality? The truth is California's population increase has slowly been declining over the years to less than 1 percent growth per year.With the decline in growth, t
Rents in Indio and the entire Coachella Valley area are very high right now. Great for investors, not so great for tenants. Potential home buyers may not even realize they may be paying the same in rent (OR MORE) than if they were paying down their own mortgage. It's best to buy while home prices
This is a great guide for every homeowner and even first time renters. Being prepared with some simple tools on hand will prevent a ton of headaches down the road. Even having a small ladder is a good idea for those hard to reach spots or when it comes time to hang that new picture on the wall.S
Are Mortgage Rates on an Up Hill Climb? Average long-term U.S. mortgage rates rose sharply for the first time in November. Amid growing expectations that the Federal Reserve might soon raise its key short-term interest rate, now more than ever may be the time to lock your interest rate.Although N
Tina shares some great tips for the home buying process. I always encourage home buyers to scope out the neighborhood by driving through at different times of the day and especially on the weekend when most people are home. Plus its a great idea to work with a local agent who's an expert in the c
What Closing Documents Should I Keep Buying a new home is an exciting process and sometimes a little overwhelming with the piles of paperwork and reports you accumulate throughout the process. Finally the closing day is here and good riddance of all that paperwork! Here's a short list of the most
Desert Sands Unified School District is one of the best school districts in the Coachella Valley. Tina provides a great resource below for new families moving to the Palm Springs desert. Palm Desert and La Quinta High Schools are both top choices for parents. Home values near these schools often
The La Quinta Resort Spa Villas are a unique investment opportunity for investors looking for a great return on their money without all of the upkeep and management of a normal investment property. Contact Tina for more information! La Quinta Resort Spa Villas You may have heard of the La Quinta
Farmers Market in La Quinta, CA If you are looking for locally grown, fresh, and organic foods, you must attend the certified Farmers Market. I started going to La Quinta's Farmers Market every Sunday morning to purchase all of my vegetables in addition to eggs, chicken, and steak here. The steak