The dog show is going on down at Cobo Hall today and tomorrow. It it will be open from 9 -4 tomorrow. There are over 150 breeds being shown and judged. A lot of neat and beautiful dogs. My wife went down to Cobo Hall with my sister-in-law to check out the dogs. She is finally starting to come
One of the most confusing items for first time homebuyers is the escrow concept. I recently had a real estate deal fall apart because of a mis-communication between the buyer and the mortgage loan officer. It wasn't anybodies fault it was just that everybody didn't understand fully what was go
Here what I am seeing in the Metro Detroit real estate market. Many colonial homes are selling for less than a $100 a square foot in the Metro Detroit area(Canton, Farmington are just some of the cities that it is happening in) Updated, ready to move in homes are selling first and for the most m
As a Michigan relocation agent we are sometimes called on to find out many things for our Michigan home buyers. Sure they could fire up their computer and get the information themselves. But I understand that sometimes the buyers are so stressed about the whole move that they need to hand off s
I have been going through this a lot lately with many of my Michigan home buyers. They are bidding on Metro Detroit foreclosures that have been priced very reasonably. In fact many of them have been priced below market for the great condition they were in. The home buyers have been notified tha
Metro Detroit real estate investing If you are new to real estate investing I recommend to take it slow. Too many times I see novice investors jump into the deep waters of real estate investing and ruin their financial future. If you want to buy a Metro Detroit foreclosure and become a landlor
Or are we the selfish lone hermit that became the unibomber? We are put on this earth I believe to make a contribution to the world. It may not be a earth shattering event like inventing penicillin or painting the Sistine Chapel. But all of us contribute to the society in some small way. Sure
Metro Detroit is going off our diets today. Today is Paczki (pinch-key) day where we eat 600 calories at one sitting. Paczki (punch-key) Day is the feast of plenty before the Lent begins. (during Lent many Christians give up something they love such as sweets, alcohol and red meat, until Easter)
Or you can say building. Do you get energized by starting something from scratch and then sitting back and enjoying the beauty of what you have created? I have to admit I am somewhat of a work-aholic. I love doing lots of things, a jack of all trades. I love projects from re doing a kitchen f
I got this comment on one of my blog postings. I've been reading about homeowners essentially gutting their homes just before the foreclosure curtain falls. They remove cabinets, appliances, sinks and anything of value they can find to sell before finally being forced to leave. The result i