4 Urgent Reasons You Should Sell Your Home in 2017--Mortgage rates are still low. Although mortgage rates have been ticking ticking up since mid-October to slightly over 4%, the rates for a 30-year fixed mortgage—the most popular home loan—are still hovering near 30-year lows. For now.
POPULAR SELLER NEGOTIATING TRICKS THAT ARE DOOMED TO FAIL --THE SLIGHT OR NO COUNTER OFFER AT ALL--You could risk alienating the buyer altogether. Even if it is a low offer, it is better to come back with a decent counter.--INSIST ON SELLING THE HOME "AS IS" AS A CONDITION UP FRONT UNLESS YOU RE
Old Paint--Old paint can make the room you paint stink. Solvent-based paints are good for about 15 years.Unused sporting equipment--you can donate them to an organization like Sports Gift that helps suppl